I’m not a violent person, but if someone harassed me constantly while I was grocery shopping, I might lose my cool. A video on Reddit of a pathetic attention seeker harassing a couple in an Arizona Walmart is drawing widespread condemnation. Amazingly, the harassed couple manage to stay composed despite the attention seeker’s appalling behavior.
Unlike many videos of someone harassing others, bizarrely this clip is filmed by the attention seeker committing the harassment. The man approaches a young couple in a Walmart in Arizona, and asks them if they have time to do a quick interview for Gilbert High School. When the couple agree, the man just insults them. The couple calmly walk off, but the attention seeker follows them, continuing to harass them.
Perhaps because he’s not getting the angry reaction he wants, the pathetic man then ratchets the harassment up a level. He takes the couple’s shopping cart, declaring, “this is my cart now.” Then he proceeds to tip it over, spilling the contents all over the floor.
To make matters worse, the attention seeker blames the disgusted couple for tipping over “his” cart. He then proceeds to declare he’ll post the incident on Facebook and call the couple “crazy” and, far worse, brand them “racist”. As one Redditor points out, the moron’s pathetic actions should constitute a “easy defamation lawsuit and battery.”
The attention seeker then turns his attention on the bemused shoppers, declaring, “Everyone, this man took my cart.” When a security guard eventually comes over to check out the disturbance, the attention seeker tries to blame the hapless couple. Fortunately, it doesn’t look like the guard is buying the nonsense.
Reddit was united in its condemnation of the pathetic attention seeker. Many commenters surmised that he must actively look for people who are extremely patient, if not somewhat docile . One Redditor concluded that these cowardly people, “intentionally chose soft targets”, and it certainly seems that way.
We can only hope the couple had witnesses that could back them up and reported him to the police. The attention seeker deserves to get in trouble for his cowardly harassment, and hopefully more than just a slap on the wrist. It should help that he recorded his antics, anyway.