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Every week, there’s a new Challenge Mode in Phasmophobia. Each Challenge Mode presents you with a new and custom difficulty that can either be simple or devastatingly difficult. Sometimes, you might have to go into a map without any electronics whatsoever and still determine the ghost type correctly, or other times, you might just have to complete certain maps with correct evidence. It all depends on the week and what type of challenge Kinetic Games feels like throwing at us. Let’s take a look at what this week’s Challenge Mode is in Phasmophobia.
This Week’s Phasmophobia Challenge Mode

This week, Phasmophobia has a pretty difficult task for us to complete:
- You’ve got cameras, lights and sound. Find that ghost type!
- Paranormal Paparazzi
- Correctly find the ghost type in Point Hope three times.
- $5,000 & 5,000 XP reward
If you remember the Paranormal Paparazzi challenge from previous months, than you likely remember the map being different. Since the Point Hope map has been added into Phas, it’s replaces Bleasdale Farmhouse for this challenge. In Paranormal Paparazzi, you’ll has a selection of Tier One, Two, and Three equipment, as well as the Monkey Paw Cursed Possession hidden within the map. However, you won’t get any Sanity Meds, EMF Readers, Salt, Incense, Crucifixes, or Thermometers, which means finding evidence won’t be the easiest task.
For this challenge, you’ll be using your cameras, motion sensors, and Parabolic Microphones like your life depends on them. Sound Sensors and Motion Sensors can be set up in various areas to pinpoint the ghost’s location, and from there, you can collect evidence based on Ghost Writing, Spirit Box, UV Fingerprints, and D.O.T.S. Projections. The rest, you’ll need to work a bit harder for, which can include keeping note of the ghost’s speed, the sounds it makes, and its general behavior. You can find a cheat sheet for all ghost types here.
Where to Find the Difficulty Settings
Finding the Challenge Mode for this week is as simple as opening up your game. By default, you start out in your safe house, which is exactly where you need to be. Head up to the main board to the right of the map board and interact with it. From there, select the difficulty of the hunt as if you are going to change it and scroll through the list until you find “Challenge Mode.” Selecting Challenge Mode will tell you everything you need to know about how to complete the challenge, as well as the terms of difficulty and what type of loadout and conditions you’ll be under.
Phasmophobia is now available on PC and consoles.