Catching a Legendary Pokemon is always exciting, and Ho-Oh is high on many trainers’ wishlists in Pokemon GO. Whether you’re looking for a spectacular shiny or you’re just trying to fill a missing Pokedex entry, Ho-Oh is a great catch. Like other Legendary Pokemon, this majestic bird packs quite a punch and won’t make taking it down easy. You’ll need to know its weaknesses and bring the right counters if you expect to win. If you can pull it off, however, you’ll have an exquisite Legendary to call your own. Here are essential tips if you want to beat Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon Go Ho-Oh Guide

Ho-oh’s Moves
Unfortunately, Ho-oh has quite a few moves of different types you’ll need to watch out for if you want to beat it in Pokemon GO. Here’s the full list:
Fast Moves | Charge Moves |
Extrasensory (Psychic) | Brave Bird (Flying) |
Hidden Power | Solar Beam (Grass) |
Incinerate (Fire) | Fire Blast (Fire) |
Steel Wing (Steel) | – |
Of these, the most dangerous is probably Solar Beam, which can shred through any Water-type Pokemon you may have brought, so beware. The ability to throw multiple elements at you in quick succession makes Ho-Oh a dangerous Pokemon worthy of the title Legendary, so keep your guard up when it goes on the offensive.
As a Fire/Flying-type Pokemon, Ho-Oh has a double weakness to Rock-type moves. That means Pokemon like Mega Aerodactyl, Rampardos, Terrakion, Tyranitar, and Rhyperior are some of its best counters. Mega Aerodactyl and Rampardos are perhaps the best of all thanks to Rock Slide, Rock Throw, and Smack Down. Some less-powerful options are pretty easy to find if you don’t have access to the top contenders. If you have Solrock, Lunatone, Golem, Aggron, Gigalith, or Sudowoodo, you’ll be fine as well, especially if you have numbers on your side.
If you don’t have a full team of Rock-type attackers, never fear. Ho-Oh is also weak to Water and Electric-type attacks, so Pokemon like Kyogre, Raikou, the Water-type starters, and Electivire are all great choices as well. They won’t do as much damage as the double-effective Rock, but they are still completely usable. Ho-Oh is arguably one of the best Pokemon in the game, but as long as you counter it properly, you can take it down.
Catch CP
Due to its type combination, Ho-Oh receives a boost during both sunny and windy weather. Typically, its catch CP is between 2,119 and 2,207, but during favorable weather, it’ll sit between 2,649 and 2,759. This raid requires extremely good Pokemon to clear with two people, so try to get at least three or four, if possible. There’s no shame in asking for help when you’re trying to take down a Legendary Pokemon.
Pokemon GO is available for iOS and Android.