You’ve defeated all three Rocket Go Leaders; now’s the time for the final challenge to claim your Legendary reward — beat Giovanni. Why a man in his forties would want to make taking over Pokestops his life’s purpose is debatable, but the Kyogre you’ll receive from dealing with this menace is certainly worth the effort. However, you’ll need to understand how to deal with Giovanni’s Persian, alongside his Nidoking, Rhyperior, or Garchomp, if you want to achieve victory over Pokemon Go‘s Team Go Rocket Boss in March 2024.
Best Counters for Giovanni in March 2024

Pokemon | Weaknesses | Best Counters & Movesets for Giovanni in March 2024 |
Persian | Fighting | Terrakion – Fast Move: Double Kick | Charge Move: Sacred Sword Machamp – Fast Move: Counter | Charge Move: Dynamic Punch Conkeldurr – Fast Move: Counter | Charge Move: Dynamic Punch |
Nidoking | Ground | Water | Psychic | Ice | Mewtwo – Fast Move: Confusion | Charge Move: Psystrike Mamoswine – Fast Move: Powder Snow | Charge Move: Avalanche Gardevoir – Fast Move: Confusion | Charge Move: Psychic |
Rhyperior | Water & Grass (2.65x DMG) | Fighting | Ground | Steel | Ice | Swampert – Fast Move: Water Gun | Charge Move: Hydro Cannon Greninja – Fast Move: Water Shuriken | Charge Move: Hydro Cannon Samurott – Fast Move: Waterfall | Charge Move: Hydro Cannon |
Garchomp | Ice (2.65x DMG) | Dragon | Fairy | Mamoswine – Fast Move: Powder Snow | Charge Move: Avalanche Galarian Darmanitan – Fast Move: Ice Fang | Charge Move: Avalanche Glaceon – Fast Move: Ice Shard | Charge Move: Avalanche |
Kyogre | Grass | Electric | Roserade – Fast Move: Magical Leaf | Charge Move: Grass Knot Electivire – Fast Move: Thunder Shock | Charge Move: Wild Charge Kartana – Fast Move: Razor Leaf | Charge Move: Leaf Blade |

Here’s the best Pokemon Go team you can group up to take on Giovanni in March 2024:
- Machamp: Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Roserade: Magical Leaf and Grass Knot
Having a Fighting-type counter to fight Persian is a standard given in Giovanni’s lineup. You can replace Machamp with Terrakion if you’ve caught that Legendary. Mamoswine is essentially carrying your team to deal with Nidoking, Rhyperior, or Garchomp. If you don’t have this Twin Tusk Pokemon, you can use Swampert instead (an excellent counter for Rhyperior). Finally, Ultrabeast Kartana is the best matchup against Kyogre, with Roserade or Electivire as budget picks.