Eevee is a very popular Pokemon that almost everyone has heard of at least once, where if you aren’t a hardcore fan. This brown fuzzy Pokemon is very special in the sense that it doesn’t have just one final evolution or even two; it has a total of eight. These Pokemon are considered rare in a lot of cases, especially in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. That is mainly because the Eevee Pokemon spawning is really rare. Of course, with the Pokemon Home now working with this game, it will be a bit easier to trade one over, but that is just the start. Here’s how to get all Eevee’s evolutions.
How To Get All Eevee’s Evolutions in Scarlet and Violet

Eevee has eight different evolutions, having each different Pokemon types, Water, Electric, Fire, Dark, Grass, Fairy, Ice, and Psychic; Eevee being a Normal-type. Each one of these evolutions can be obtained, but some are trickier than others. Each one has different requirements to get them to evolve into each Pokemon, Espeon, and Umbreon being the easiest choices.
How To Get Umbreon

Embreon is fairly easy to get. First, have your Eevee in your party, and then do some exploring. Doing Raids, battling other Pokemon, and overall just gaining XP is the best way to level up Eevee. The trick to a lot of the evolution is making sure that the friendship and happiness levels of the Pokemon are high. Once the Eevee has a high happiness level at night and has been given enough XP, it will evolve into Umbreon.
How To Get Espeon

Now, Espeon is very similar to Umbreon. Players will need to follow the same steps — ensuring the friendship level is high and that the Pokemon is leveling up. Once the Eeevee in your party has progressed enough in level, it will transform into Espeon, but only during the day. This is where Espeon and Umbreon are kinda cool; one can evolve that night while the other does during the day.
How To Get Sylevon

Sylevon is probably our trickiest to get. This Pokemon can sometimes spawn in the wild, but it is incredibly rare. If a player did want to try their hand at locating one of them, players can check out the Alfornada gym and all over that side of the map. Some players can also come across it in a Tera Raid battle, but it is very rare.
To evolve an Eevee into Sylveon, players will need to make sure their friendship level with the Pokemon is high and then teach it a Fairy-type move before allowing it to be leveled up. With this Pokemon, the time of day doesn’t matter. It depends on the friendship level, the Fairy-type move, and that it is leveled up only after learning that move.
How To Get Vaporeon

This is the Water-type evolution of Eevee, after having an Eevee and leveling it up. The steps to getting this Pokemon are simple; make sure the Eevee is in the party, have another slot open for a new Pokemon, and use a Water Stone on it. For a lot of Eevee evolutions it is about using different Stones on them.
How To Get Jolteon

Just as with Vaporemon, Jolteon can be evolved from a normal Eevee by giving it a Thunder Stone. This will then grant its electric powers to the Eevee, causing it to transform into Jolteon. All of these different power stones will be rewarded to players after they catch a certain amount of Pokemon or can purchase them from Delibird Presents.
How To Get Flareon

If players want a Fire-type evolution of Eevee, they will need to obtain a Fire Stone. Once a player has one, they can place the Eevee in their party, leaving one open slot. Now, when the Fire Stone is given to the Eevee, it will turn into Flareon, then ask to learn a Fire-type move.
How To Get Leafeon

In order to get Leafeon, Grass-type Eevee evolved. All definite types of Eevee evolutions can be found in Tera Raid Battles, but it is very rare. To get one easier, simply use a Leaf Stone on an Eevee that is in your party, and there is still one empty slot as well. After giving the Pokemon the Leaf Stone, it will transform into Leafeon.
How To Get Glaceon

And lastly, the final Eevee Evolution in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which is the Ice-type. This Pokemon can be obtained the same way as the couple before, just using a different stone. Players can place an Eevee in their party with an extra available slot open and use an Ice Stone on it. Afterward, players will have the Glaceon added to their party.
That is how to get all the Eevee Evolutions in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Some of easier than others, while some are a bit more tricky. Trainers will definitely feel accomplished once housing all these final evolutions in their collection.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available on Nintendo Switch.