Pokemon: The First Movie is available to stream for free. You read that correctly. Pokemon: The First Movie has been made available to stream on the Pokemon TV website, Android app, and iOS App.
To those not around in the 90s, Pokemon: The First Movie is exactly what it says, it was the first movie of many in the Pokemon franchise. The movie focuses on Ash and crew as he receives an invitation to a mysterious island called New Island. The invitation gives Ash the opportunity to meet and battle the strongest Pokemon trainer in the world. So, of course, he has to go.

What follows is one whirlwind adventure filled with legendary Pokemon, every emotion imaginable, and even one of the most profound quotes of all time from Meowth; “We do have a lot in common. The same air, the same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same, instead of always looking at what’s different… well, who knows?” Seriously, a deep quote from a children’s movie.

It would stand to reason that the movie has been released to commemorate the ongoing celebration of Pokemon’s twentieth anniversary. What would be a better movie to make free to stream? Whether you’re a veteran fan or newcomer to the series, Pokemon: The First Movie should be on the top of your priority list of movies to watch while you can. You never know when Team Rocket or, in this case, Nintendo, will steal the streaming abilities from the fans. Well, they won’t steal it, but you get the picture.
If this movie is on your list of things to watch what are you still doing here? Go watch. If you’re on the fence, go watch. Seriously, just go watch this movie. Leave a comment stating your love for this movie or memories you have.