Idiocy comes in many forms and sometimes results in the most humiliating outcomes. Having said that, a Florida woman was looking to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend and decided that vandalizing his car with eggs and spray paint was the way to go. Sneaking out with her friend at night, the 18-year-old vandalized what she thought to be her ex-boyfriend’s car, but it instead turned out to be a neighbor’s vehicle. According to FOX 35 Orlando, the repairs for this big mistake could cost around $5K.

“You really need to try harder to try to be sneaky because you are god-awful,” said one of the Florida police officers who apprehended the two female vandals. “You guys spray-painted the goddamn car.” The vengeful hooligans were also found in possession of drugs the night they were arrested. They were charged with criminal mischief with a DUI charge for the 18-year-old who drove to the scene of the crime. While the two got what they deserved, the unfortunate neighbor was left with a mess of a car to clean up.
It goes without saying that the internet had fun roasting the dim-witted Florida woman. “Wow, wonder why he left her, hmmm?” sarcastically questions a viewer of the news report. “Obviously not the brightest,” remarks another. “This isn’t the last time we’ll hear of this Florida woman…,” chimes in a third. “She needs to improve her penmanship; I can’t even read this,” laughs a fourth. “Psycho woman,” exclaims a fifth.
The neighbor seemingly took the whole situation well and appeared more confused than angry. “It makes no sense at all. I don’t get it,” he said when asked about the incident. His message to the two Florida girls who ruined his car was: “Don’t be stupid.” Better words could not have been said. Not only did the 18-year-old criminal not have enough sense to let her breakup go without taking revenge, but she also couldn’t even correctly carry it out. Shame.