Quantum Break feels like it was announced years ago… probably because it was. Back in 2013, we saw our first glimpse of Remedy Entertainment’s third-person, time-bending shooter and the game has seen many transformations since that reveal.
Finally, the game is just around the corner (April 5th) and the previews look great! However Microsoft was not content with just delivering us a thrilling game, they want to give us free stuff too!
When you purchase Quantum Break for
As if that was not enough, you will also be able to embark upon Remedy Entertainment’s previous outing, the critically acclaimed Alan Wake.
Backwards compatibility has been a big focus of late with Microsoft and Quantum Break follows other titles such as Rainbow Six Siege and Just Cause 3, by including older iterations with the
Microsoft has been working extremely hard to appease frustrated fans since the
Quantum Break is a third person, action shooter where you can manipulate time to aid in combat and to solve puzzles. The game stars a number of famous actors such as Shawn Ashmore (X-Men), Dominic Monaghan (Lost, Lord of The Rings) and Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones). There will be live action scenes which bridge the gaps between gameplay, all of the content will be included with the game.
Are you excited for Quantum Break? How do you feel about Cross-Buy? Let us know in the comments below.