Regardless of which political party you prefer, we cannot deny that the last few days have been quite chaotic everywhere, but more so in the USA. Some are unhappy that Trump is in office, and others are celebrating it. However, some of this group of happy people sometimes feel so euphoric that they can’t control themselves. Something like this happened to this man on Reddit, who thought it would be great to yell and harass primarily students from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). People are just walking around and going about their business too much for anyone to bother them, regardless of the reason.
Redditor ambachk shared on r/ImTheMainCharacter the video of a California man carrying a large flag around the UCLA campus to yell and harass students passing by. It’s not just that the man yells at the people around him, but that he insults them and says things like “You’re not welcome” or talks about their VISAS or passports. It is already questionable to see this kind of behavior on the streets. However, universities give many opportunities to foreign students and should be a temple for any student, teacher, or worker. Nobody should be allowed to enter to bother those trying to learn and get better opportunities in life.
This is on the campus of UCLA. Kids trying to just go to class, f*ing asshole.
Many are sad about these annoying people using a flag that symbolizes freedom as a banner to do such acts.
Initial reaction to seeing that flag is changing…
In general, no one deserve harassment in any way, and should there be a problem, let the authorities handle it. Still, this man should not have had such easy access to the university, and hopefully, someone could stop him. The priority should be staying united as citizens of the same country. Although this is a utopian thought, let’s hope the situation improves quickly.