We are going to Brazil! The ‘universal’ we. Obviously. Ubisoft is taking us to the popular South American country in the new Rainbow Six Siege expansion, entitled Operation Skull Rain. This will be coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and
As we have seen in previous Rainbow Six Siege expansions, Operation Skull Rain will also include new offensive and defensive Operators- Capitão and Caveira, respectively. Both of them are from Brazil’s Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE) special forces unit. Capitão and Caveira will be available immediately for Season Pass holders, who will have exclusive access to these Operators for a week. Siege’s Senior Communication’s Manager, Giancarlo Varanini, writes that “Capitão is the attacker and carries a tactical crossbow that fires asphyxiating bolts that burn oxygen within a certain radius, as well as micro smoke grenades that can mask positions and team movements.” Capitão’s primary weapons include an M-249 and PARA-308. Secondary weapons include a PRB92, frag and stun grenades.
Caveira is the defensive of the two and she has the “Silent Step” ability, which allows her to sneak up on enemies, immobilize them, and then interrogate them for necessary information. Caveira’s primary weapons include an M12 and SPAS-15; a PRB92 for secondary; and Nitro Cell C4 and Barbed Wire for gadgets. In addition to these new characters, Operation Skull Rain also has a new map for teams to do battle. Set in a Brazilian favela, the map supports exterior shell destruction, which will make it Rainbow Six Siege’s most destructible map to date. You can see the favela map in the trailer below.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Y6PLrOGTg[/embedyt]
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In Operation Dust Line, we also saw gameplay changes and can expect to see more coming in Skull Rain. It was revealed today that we will see small updates in the menu. Siege’s Presentation Director Toni Da Luz said that “players will now have real-time access to the weapons and gadgets their teammates have chosen. For example, being able to know if Fuze went for a shield or a 6P41 is a game changer in Siege, where team composition matters a lot”. Another notable addition to the game is the Tactical Realism mode, which stays on your HUD and takes away enemy markings. Only weapon panels, the timer, and compass will be visible in the HUD. This, in turn, will force players to rely more heavily on their teammates than ever before. Ubisoft will also be revealing more exclusive details about Operation Skull Rain on Saturday, July 30.
You can read The Nerd Stash’s review of Rainbow Six Siege here.