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As we move further into the future of gaming, more and more games sadly fade into obscurity with few original copies remaining. Between low levels of popularity and a lack of production, a few select games become extremely rare. For those lucky few that still have a copy of these rare oddities, the rarer a game gets, generally, the more valuable it becomes. However, being a collector myself, one of the most important aspects of collecting is the preservation of gaming history and sharing your passion for the industry. Still, the monetary value is something that is at the forefront of every collector’s mind. One of the best systems to look at for some of these rare and valuable games would have to be the SNES. From obscure JRPGs to limited-release cartridges, here are some of the rarest and most valuable games for the SNES.
Final Fight Guy ($4,300 – CIB)

Final Fight Guy is a strange variation of the classic SNES port of Final Fight. In the SNES version of the game, only the characters Mike and Cody were playable to fit into the cartridge. However, Final Fight Guy adds Guy as a playable character, replacing Cody. A new copy in the box will currently run you well over $4,000 on eBay at the moment.
Earthbound ($2,700 – CIB)

Arguably the most common rare game out there, Earthbound was a classic JRPG for the SNES. However, due to its niche appeal, Earthbound copies can fetch a hefty sum on the market. Namely, a new in-box copy of the game can run you well over $2,000. Even a loose copy will still run you hundreds of dollars on its own.
Hagane: The Final Conflict ($6,500 – CIB)

Hagane: The Final Conflict is an extremely obscure game that quickly became a hot-ticket collector item after it skyrocketed to popularity in recent memory. Since the game was a Blockbuster exclusive, there currently aren’t many copies in circulation. Due to this, a loose copy of the game can run you up to $1,000.
Aero Fighters ($1,500 – Loose)

Aero Fighters is another port of an arcade game that saw a limited release which led to its rarity. Currently, even a loose copy without a manual or box can net you $1,500, with a complete copy costing around $5,000.
Star Fox: Super Weekend Cartridge ($3,250 – Loose)

Moving on to some special event cartridges, we have the Star Fox: Super Weekend Cartridge. This cartridge was used for the Blockbuster game tournaments, where extra copies were later sold at the store and through Nintendo Power. Since there aren’t many of them out there, this valuable and rare SNES game costs anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 on eBay.
Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge ($3,200 – Loose)

Similar to the Star Fox: Super Weekend Cartridge, the Blockbuster tournaments also included the rare Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge for the SNES. Once again, excess cartridges were sold off, with the Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge being in a bit more demand. Copies of this have sold for anywhere from $3,000 to a whopping $12,000.
Exertainment Mountain Bikerally/Speed Racer ($15,993 – New)

Next, Exertainment Mountain Bikerally/Speed Racer for the SNES brought two bizarre games together. Although, on their own, the two games weren’t particularly valuable, the near non-existent distribution of the duo cartridge led to the SNES game being extremely rare and valuable. A new copy in the box of this release can sell for $16,000.
M.A.C.S. Training Cartridges ($3,000-$5,000 – Loose)

The M.A.C.S Training Cartridges were a set of informational games that were intended to train the US Army with the power of video games. Coming in a few different releases, the rarest entry, the M.A.C.S. Moving Target Simulator can sell for $5,000 on its own.
Nintendo Campus Challenge 1992 ($4,000 – Loose)

This extremely rare and valuable SNES cartridge, the Nintendo Campus Challenge 1992, was created for the sole purpose of being used in a video game competition. Since the cartridges were supposed to be destroyed after they were done being used, very few exist in the world. The cartridge itself was sold for $4,000 way back in the day, though nowadays, it could sell for way more.
Nintendo Powerfest 1994 ($23,100 – Loose)

Finally, the rarest SNES cartridge out there would have to be the Nintendo Powerfest 1994. This cartridge, similar to the Nintendo Campus Challenge 1992, was used as a tournament cartridge. Though it doesn’t look like much, a copy of the Nintendo Powerfest 1994 sold for over $23,000 on eBay in 2013.