Since its debut, the Resident Evil: Revelations series has often been considered the little brother to the Resident Evil franchise. Despite this, Resident Evil: Revelations have staked out its own space and loyal fan base within the larger Resident Evil universe with two successful game releases to date. Both games. originally released on the previous generation of consoles, have had remastered versions recently landing on current gen systems. Now word has come that both RE Revelations and RE Revelations 2 will soon be on their way to Nintendo Switch.
Resident Evil: Revelations takes place between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. Series stalwarts Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield are the primary characters in the nautical adventure. Valentine is partnered with Parker Luciani and Redfield completes his missions with Jessica Sherawat in tow. During missions, players have the ability to switch between characters although the experience is strictly single players.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 also features characters that those familiar with the Resident Evil family tree are sure to know. Claire Redfield (sister of Chris) and Moira Burton (daughter of Barry) are the focus of the action at the onset. This time around players can also switch between characters or play co-operatively with a friend. The action once again follows two pairs with the second being Barry Burton who is controllable for the first time in a Resident Evil game. Barry is joined throughout his missions by a little girl, Natalia Korda, who possess supernatural powers.
The relationship between Resident Evil: Revelations and Nintendo is a deep one. The original title first came to Nintendo’s 3DS was back in 2012. Capcom must have struck upon the formula for games with longevity as the title has successfully crossed from handheld to console and between multiple generations. That said, there is still no word on Capcom’s latest title, Resident Evil 7, coming to the Switch.