Fan expectations are extremely high with the prospect of a Resident Evil 2 remake, one done in a similar vein as the 2001 Resident Evil Gamecube remake. Comparing the new version of Resident Evil 2 to the 2001 release means fans expect a complete and total graphical and gameplay overhaul. Something much more than a simple HD port or remaster. So naturally the last words any core Resident Evil fan wants to hear, is that Resident Evil 6 would influence the Resident Evil 2 Remake in any degree. Unless of course, it is on what not to do. Luckily, that’s almost exactly what is shaping the way Capcom is approaching the remake.

Throughout the core series of Resident Evil, the games have been received extremely well by fans and critics alike. Resident Evil GC Remake, Resident Evil 2, RE: Nemesis, and Resident Evil 4 and 5 all have aggregate scores of 86 and above, with Resident Evil 4 being the peak in the franchise at 96. However, Resident Evil 6 is the outlier with a sub-par 67 and a 5.0 from users. With scores like that, it’s no wonder Capcom and producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi are listening. In an interview with videogamer Hirabayashi explained, “Every title brings with it learning experiences,” he continues, “and of course, I saw a lot of the feedback on Resident Evil 6 and have taken on board everything I’ve heard from the fans about the game and I want to show you what it taught me with through the next experience I’ll be bringing to you.” Beyond taking the feedback from the latest core franchise entry, producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi wants to go back to what made the original PSOne classics great.

In regards to the positive critical reception of the 2001 Resident Evil HD Remaster Hirabayashi comments, “As you mentioned, the first game’s remake is held up as proof that a remaster can recapture the original game. And as it so happens, the RE GameCube remake was my first project at Capcom. I was able to learn from more experienced colleagues and see with my own eyes how they translated their efforts into such a masterpiece that built on an already well-received game. It was an incredibly valuable experience for me.” If this is anything to go buy Hirabayashi as well as the suits at Capcom are starting to see what fans want from the series.
In the next few months, Capcom will be releasing updated versions of Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6, for the PS4 and