Capcom has just officially released the trailer for the HD remake of Resident Evil Zero. Zero serves as a prequel to the original Resident Evil. The storyline follows police officer Rebecca Chambers as she teams up with convict Billy Coen to survive a zombie outbreak. The game received favorable reviews upon its original Gamecube release in 2002, but wasn’t as loved when it was re-released on the Nintendo Wii.
Now Capcom plans to unveil the HD remake in early 2016. The remake will be available as a digital download for Steam, PS3, PS4,
Of course fans are screaming for a Resident Evil 2 remake next, and from the way things are going and the trend of remastered games, that seems like a distinct possibility. In the meantime start growing your herbs and organizing your inventory.
Are you planning on purchasing Resident Evil Zero? What Resident evil game would you like to see remastered next? Let us know in the comments below!