As the gaming industry has become bigger and more mainstream, leaks have become more and more common. The HD updated re-releases of the first two Arkham games were leaked before the official announcement. And now, a leaked poster has revealed Destiny’s next expansion; ‘Rise of Iron’.

Images of the poster first appeared on Reddit last night and, according to Kotaku;
“Two sources familiar with Bungie confirmed the authenticity of this poster to Kotaku last night. The Rise of Iron expansion will feature a new raid (likely Fallen-themed) and will be larger than the two year-one DLC packs, according to a source. (Of course, as The Taken King showed us, the amount and scale of content in a Destiny expansion can vary wildly and it may not be fair to compare this to previous DLC.)”
Rise of Iron’s raid is apparently loosely based on the raid cut from last year’s House of Wolves expansion. It would appear that the expansion’s existence may be due to Bungie shifting Destiny 2’s internal target date from 2016 to 2017 and needing something to fill in the gap until next year.
Rise of Iron is expected to be released in September; stay tuned to the Nerd Stash for more news as it surfaces.