In Roblox Void Fishing, you can go one of two ways: either keep farming for hours, hoping you have enough to upgrade to the Nebular Rod or the Golden Rod. The former is expensive, costing $1,250,000 in Void Fishing while the other can be crafted but beholden to RNG. In fact, the Golden Rod is the only fishing rod you can craft and it’s quite good. It’ll easily carry you into Void Fishing’s endgame and be your go-to until the Divine Rod.
How to Get a Golden Rod the Easy Way in Void Fishing

To craft the Golden Fishing Rod in Void Fishing, you need five items:
- x1 Golden Handle
- x1 Golden Reel
- x1 Golden Rod (the end piece, not the rod itself)
- x1 Golden Line
- x1 Golden Hook
That doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Well, every piece of the Golden Fishing Rod is a Relic, a rarity that’s above Fossil but below Ancient items. The only way you get those items is by fishing into the void, though odds of getting any of the pieces is 1 in 1,536. Those odds aren’t good.
But worry not because there’s an easy way to farm for the Golden Rod pieces in Void Fishing by using a combination of buffs, gear, and optimal settings. In fact, it’s so easy, you could leave the game running for a couple hours, only occasionally checking to see if you reeled in any pieces.

First, we need to adjust some settings. At the very top, adjust the Auto-sell slider until it’s set to Fossil. This eliminates the need to manually sell items from your inventory and since it’s set to Fossil, you’ll never have to worry about accidentally selling Golden Rod pieces.
Secondly, you’ll want to like Void Fishing on Roblox and join the Wunmo group. They’re the ones responsible for developing the game. Liking their game and joining their Roblox group unlocks the Autofish feature in-game, which you’ll find along the button, just above the Fish button.

Thirdly, you’ll want to, at the very least, equip the Strong Magnetic Lure and the Sponge Rod. Don’t forget to eat a bag of chips, granting you more luck, and any supplements you have, preferably the double triple luck supplements.
With your luck stat boosted, decent gear, and a quiet spot to fish, just let your autofishing do the work. I used this method and I was able to nabbed two pieces within the first hour of playing. Your luck will vary, of course, but it did the trick.