With so many Glove Abilities capable of ragdolling you til’ kingdom come in Roblox Slap Battles, the Fish Flop can definitely come in “handy” — get it? Derpy puns aside, the Flop Ability flings you in ragdoll mode in the direction you activate the ability. While that might sound a bit pointless, the Fish’s Ability is anything but a “flop.” You can use Flop as a high-utility, “get-out-of-jail” mobility move. It can prevent and cancel you from being ragdolled by an attack while also enabling you to island-hop easily and escape death from the void by vaulting back onto solid ground.
How To Get the Deep Slumber Badge in Slap Battles

While a fish and sleeping have very little in common (fish don’t sleep like other animals do), you’ll need to take a nap to unlock the Fish Glove in Slap Battles — a long nap. Specifically, you need the Deep Slumber Badge, which is acquired by sleeping for an entire hour in real-time. Your character can sleep in Slap Battles using the ZZZZZZZ Glove’s Ability, a mimir.
Unlocking Deep Slumber for the Fish in Roblox Slap Battles is likely one of the most straightforward procedures to getting a Badge-related Glove. However, it’s undoubtedly easier said than done, as this feat is as easy as sleeping in a crowded city bus during evening rush hour — while standing. Moreover, the Deep Slumber Badge is only obtainable in public lobbies, not private.

I attempted to unlock the Fish Glove in Slap Battles by snoozing with ZZZZZZZ beneath the sakura tree on the floating isle east of the Normal Arena’s main island. Catching z’s beside a snowman named Jerry, miraculously, I was able to achieve 10 minutes of uninterrupted shuteye before being blasted to oblivion by a pesky intruder.
Perchance, you will find better luck using a mimir for 60 minutes without being disturbed. You could try communicating with those in the lobby about your plans, but conversing with non-English-speaking players and Roblox-loving children is just as easy as sleeping in the commuting situation we mentioned above.