Just like in Bleach, Bankai offer some incredibly powerful abilities in Roblox Project Mugetsu. And just like in the anime and manga, each one has its strengths and weaknesses. Naturally, some Bankai are arguably better than others, like being easier to play than others or simply having more crowd control, like in the case of Daiguren Hyorinmaru. The good news is that no matter where your Bankai falls on our tier list, they’re all relatively balanced, but a few can’t help but excel.
Roblox Project Mugsetsu: Bankai Tier List
S-Tier Bankai: Minazuki, Daiguren Hyorinmaru, Senbozakura Kageyoshi

S-Tier Bankais are the de facto best of the best in Project Mugetsu and if you’re lucky enough to have rolled into one of these, you’re set for life. You can usually expect some form of crowd control, debuffs, and the potential to deal a bunch of damage.
Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
Considering how much damage you do and how easy it is to play, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi should be illegal to play in Project Mugetsu. As long as your aim isn’t atrocious, you’ll just delete half of your opponent’s health. Your attacks are fast, hit large areas, and deal a bunch of damage without much effort. Not to mention how easy it is to catch up to players using Senkei.
Speaking of Bankai that you don’t need good aim for, there’s Minazuki. If you’ve been on the receiving end of a Minazuki user, you know how frustrating it is. You have to deal with its debuffs, really great damage and how its moves ragdoll you. Getting ragdolled is like a stun, and Minazuki has two (one of which damages you the entire time).
Daiguren Hyorinmaru
Honestly, Daiguren Hyorinmaru is just as comfortable in S-Tier as it is in A-Tier. The fact of the matter is that Daiguren Hyorinmaru utilizes a lot of freeze attacks that users need to capitalize on. Three out of its four abilities will freeze your target for a brief moment, like Ryusenka, and it’s at this moment you need to follow up with basic attacks and other abilities. If you string your attacks well enough, you can freeze your opponent essentially for the entire fight.
A-Tier Bankai: Zanka No Tachi, Kamishini No Yari, Nozarashi

A-Tier Bankai in Project Mugetsu ride pretty close to S-Tier, sometimes even stepping a rank above in the right hands, like the Nozarashi Bankai. You’ll still deal a ton of damage, have access to gap closers, stuns, and debuffs, but there’s almost always something that falls short, like abilities that have narrow attack windows or can be easily dodged.
Zanka No Tachi
There’s no doubt that Zanka No Tachi has a great kit overall. Two of its moves—East Kyokujitsujin and Daisojin—can guardbreak; Tenshi Kaijin is really good for closing the gap, solid crowd control, and a debuff via West Zanjitsu Gokui. Damage isn’t the problem, but range. Any good Project Mugetsu player will just keep their distance and let a Zanka No Tachi user overextend before punishing them.
Kamishini No Yari
Poison is a particularly strong debuff in Project Mugetsu and can easily spell doom for your opponent. The problem is, and what keeps Kamishini No Yari from being S-Tier, is that its moves aren’t exactly hard to dodge if you aren’t poisoned. That’s why it’s very important to ensure Shoot em’ Dead lands because once your opponent is slowed (and taking damage), it’s so much easier to unleash other abilities like Tate Hoko and Ikku De.
The Nozarashi Bankai is the perfect example of a well-rounded kit, not to mention being easily accessible to just about any level of skill. This is because Nozarashi’s abilities only really have one combo: Bisect > Frenzy > Scream > Berserk. Rinse and repeat until your opponent is a lifeless husk. Berserk is especially useful due to its stun, which has a fairly large radius. As long as you’re within a few feet of your opponent, it’ll land regardless of whether they’re behind you, above, in front, or by your sides.
B-Tier: Tensa Zangetsu

It’s not exactly the worst, nor the best Bankai in Project Mugetsu. To be honest, there are no “bad” Bankai, but these certainly fall short in more than one aspect. It’s never a lack of damage, but like A-Tier Bankais, you’ll find abilities hard to land or are simply easy to counter.
Tensa Zangetsu
Tensa is by no means a bad Bankai in Project Mugetsu; in fact, it has a pretty solid moveset overall, but in high levels of play, half of its abilities are rather hard to hit. For example, both Issen Getsuga and Getsuga Tensho have narrow attack windows—especially Tensho with its long wind up—making them really easy to dodge.