Roosterteeth’s foul-mouthed animated Youtube show is just on the verge of its return, as new Camp Camp episodes will be released this June. Its trailer shows that Nikki, Max, and Niel are up to just as many nutty adventures this season, as the show is doubling down on the crazy.
For the uninitiated, Camp Camp’s vulgarity and crude subject matter made its first season stand out from the crowd of other American animated shows. It even went as far to feature an entire character whose purpose is to make Hitler and Nazi jokes, veiled through coincidental misinterpretations of his true intentions.
The trailer revealed that the sophomore season will see the return of our three favorite campers Nikki, Max, and Niel, as well as the beloved counselors David and Gwen. Our favorite supporting cast of weirdos also return, from Space Kid to Nerf, with a couple new faces thrown in as well.
In typical fashion Nikki, Max and Neil can be heard arguing in the trailer as to who is the best camper, while David’s pleas that everyone is the best is met with “Literally impossible” from Neil. It didn’t take long for James Willems misunderstood German character Dolph to make a Nazi joke either, opening up his own “Purification Sauna.”
The sophomore season will also see the return of the vengeful one-eyed squirrel, though the camps Platypus mascot is nowhere to be found. It should be interesting to see just how Max and David’s relationship differs this season, if any at all, given the small bonding experience that occurred at the end of last season.
The show is set to bolster Roosterteeth’s Summer of Animation, alongside the hit Anime RWBY and the companies flagship show Red vs. Blue. Camp Camp premieres June 9 exclusively on FIRST – the company’s streaming service exclusive to their site – as well as on
For more information be sure to check back to the site for Camp Camp and other Roosterteeth news, as well as updates on all of your other Nerdy News!