Among all the releases coming not just this month but December as well, Halo Infinite is easily one of the biggest releases (if not the biggest). Sporting a campaign that many are hoping is a grand return for the series, supported by a strong multiplayer that previews said shined greatly, this could be the big break modern Halo needs to be thrust back into the spotlight. From the looks of things, we may be getting that resurgence sooner than any of us thought. As per an overwhelming amount of rumors (congregated over on Reddit by u/TheVideoGaymer), Halo Infinite’s multiplayer may be releasing on November 15, being this Monday.
While each piece of evidence on their own would normally be meaningless, the sheer amount of times this has been corroborated is what’s leading fans to believe the claims are valid. For one is the initial data mine for the
At the same time, these rumors of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer could be entirely fabricated. The data mine could’ve been fabricated, Google staff may be wrong, others may be misled, or this may be a massive ploy to generate hype. If you ask me personally, I’d say the chances of this are slim, but it’s important to take any leak with a grain of salt. These sorts of things go relatively under the radar all the time and end up being fake, so who’s to know until Monday rolls around.
In the meantime, at least we have Halo Infinite’s campaign to gush over.