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As soon as you start KCD 2, you’ll be bombarded with choices that will change how Henry’s adventure plays out. However, one of the true big choices of the game arrives during the “Wedding Crashers” quest. After your fallout with Hans, you’re left to decide how to get inside the wedding. To do so, you have two options: help the smithy or the miller in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. While you can pursue both options, only one will let you inside the wedding. Furthermore, both have their advantages, at least gameplay-wise. So, here we’ll list the pros and very few cons of siding with each so you can decide for yourself.
Siding With the Smithy

The reasonable choice would be siding with the smithy instead of the miller in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, especially since Henry is an actual blacksmith. Doing so will unlock several quests that will work as a tutorial to some of the game’s crafting mechanics, mainly smithing. This is useful because it lets you craft your own weapons and even horseshoes for your steed. Plus, you can sell some of the things you create, which is a fast way to fill up your pockets. Overall, it isn’t a bad idea, but we found siding with the miller way more interesting.
Siding With the Miller

In our case, we went with the miller for several reasons. First and foremost, the miller provides a lot of stealth-oriented quests. These are quite useful, especially since stealing and breaking into houses is the fastest way to make money in the game, assuming you don’t get caught. Furthermore, there is an excellent questline that follows the miller as he tries to work on alchemy and with other substances that culminate in one of the game’s most hilarious cutscenes. Overall, we feel siding with the miller for the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the best option.
Does Your Choice Affect the Wedding Crashers Quest?

Yes. Siding with either the smithy or the miller for the “Wedding Crashers” quest of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will change how some of the things play out. While the general outcome will be the same, the way you approach certain situations will differ. For instance, with the miller, you’ll have to keep an eye out for a concubine you brought. With the smithy, a sword you forged will play a role during the quest. So, the approach you take depends more on the type of Henry you’re going for. Do you want him to enter the wedding by showing off his blacksmith skills? Or do you prefer to get him inside by doing a few criminal acts? We went with the latter, but you’re free to pick whatever option sounds better for you.