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After you fail to kill Faust in Duga, you must find a way to mitigate the man’s ability. Your investigation leads you to an old scientist named Dvupalov, who seems to have a connection with Faust. Like many other Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl missions before this, you need to enter another abandoned laboratory in the In Search of Past Glory quest. This area has numerous mutants, so ensure you are prepared before heading in.
How To Complete In Search of Past Glory Quest in Stalker 2

At the start of the In Search of Past Glory quest in Stalker 2, you must gain information from Prof. Dvupalov. The man will invite you to drink some alcohol, and you must consume three shots of alcohol before he will talk. After that, you must follow him to another room to catch a jumping Artifact. It’s not very fast, so you can still capture it even if you’re wasted.
The Crystal Thorn artifact is not very useful, so feel free to sell it after the professor gives it to you. To get the keycard, you need to head to Ahroprom, where you will meet with Shcherba. The man will ask you to bring him some documents from the abandoned underground laboratory before giving you the keycard.
How To Explore the X5 Labs

Head northwest and go down the ladder to finally enter the underground laboratory. This area is full of enemies, so ensure you have ample ammo and other weapons before proceeding. Here’s the route you must follow to find the documents in the In Search of Past Glory quest:
- Follow the tunnel and turn right to go down the stairs.
- Keep walking west until you find a spiral staircase.
- Follow the passage while killing zombies on your path.
- Keep walking until you find a hole in the wall.
- Throw grenades in the next room to deal with the rats.
- Jump past some fallen furniture and keep walking.
- Follow the path until you find a locked door requiring the keycard.

Once you enter the next room, a controller mutant will attack you with its power in the In Search of Past Glory quest. I recommend equipping gear with Psi-Protection or consuming Psi-Blockers pills to avoid the buildup of psi radiation. Luckily, the monster will retreat for now, but that won’t be the last time you see this mutant.
- Go to the spot where the enemy was standing and jump into the hole.
- Crawl through the tight space and jump down into another hole.
- Go down another spiral staircase and activate the generator.
- Defeat the Snorks mutants that come out of the open door.
- Enter the right room to find Dvupalov’s Records.
- Go to the left room to get the Controller Project Document for Shcherba.
- Go up the spiral staircase again and pass through the northern entrance.
- Follow the passage and jump down the ledge.
- The controller mutant will attack you again, and you must defeat a Psy-dog.
- After beating the mutants, jump up the ledge and climb up the broken ladder.
- In the next room, you must face the controller that has been stalking you.
- Grab the Blueprint for the Suppressor on the table.
How To Exit the Lab in the In Search of Past Glory Quest

After dealing with so many mutants in the In Search of Past Glory quest, you now must face a group of soldiers. The path to the exit is quite linear, so you won’t get lost. Just focus on defeating the enemies that will come after you. I encountered an Emission after leaving the lab, so I recommend staying in this area so you have a place to hide when it hits.
Now, you need to return to the Roofed Warehouse to talk to Dvupalov. I encountered a bug, where the door would automatically slam shut when I got near. I suggest sprinting straight inside when you reach the area. It unlocked itself again after I watched a cutscene, so I didn’t get locked inside.
Inside the warehouse, you will encounter Shcherba and Dvupalov. If you give the documents to Shcherba, he will give you a side quest after you complete some main missions. Although Skif still needs to show the Suppressor to Dvupalov, you must travel to Rostok to install the upgrade.