According to Bleeding Cool, Stan Lee will no longer attend public signings or conventions.
Bleeding Cool’s Rich Johnston spoke with Jonathan Bolerjack, who is currently helping Lee, on this situation. Bolerjack said:
“To be very clear, Stan is 100% not doing any conventions / public signings. In the last few years his well being had been compromised by people for monetary gain and that practice is over.
His private signings had also been paused for a month while Stan’s life gets back to normal and time could be given to review signing deals made by previous people involved in Stan’s life.
As of this week Stan is signing a very small amount of items per week at his discretion, some for Desert Wind. This has proven frustrating for some as people are used to Stan signing hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of books a day, however my concern is for Stan’s health and wishes so he signs what he wants when he wants, which is as it always should be.”
Dealing with serious health problems, harassment allegations, and reports of elder abuse, Stan Lee has had a rough year. The 95-year-old co-creator behind many of Marvel’s most iconic heroes was admitted to the hospital in February for an irregular heartbeat. Lee was later released from care after one night.
Recently, Lee was inducted (along with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling) into the Science-Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame for the Museum of Pop Culture.
Stan Lee has had a cameo in over 30 films, including every MCU movie since its creation with 2008’s Iron Man. He is expected to make an appearance in the upcoming Captain Marvel solo film, as well as Avengers 4.
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