The news doesn’t come as shocking, but reassuring anyway. Announced via a letter from Niklas Fegraeus, Design Director of the game, he revealed that the first gameplay of Battlefront will debut on June 15, the day of the EA press conference.
“We want Star Wars Battlefront to be not only authentic but respectful to this universe we all hold so dear,” Fegraeus said. He spoke about the development team’s dedication to making the game as authentic and fun as possible. This will happen by creating epic battles, a seamless first person to third person perspective switching option, music and sound effects from the movies, and a variety of different game modes.

One new game mode that he spoke of, Fighter Squadron mode, sounds like a lot of fun. Despite previously announcing that there would be no space battles, it’s nice to know that iconic ships and airborne fights will still be a part of the game. Missions can be played solo or cooperatively online. If you’re not in the mood to face human opponents, fighting against A.I. will be an option.
With all the latest news released, it will be interesting to finally see the gameplay for Battlefront. We know a dozen multiplayer maps will be available, though we’re still waiting on the official announcement for some of them. Gameplay images show off Hoth and Endor, and the team has also mentioned that they’ll be bringing the unexplored planet of Sullest to the game. We also know there won’t be any ironsight option for the game and all blasters will fire from the hip. Finally, during a Reddit “Questions for the team” session, EA community manager Mathew Everett spoke about destruction in the upcoming game:
“Overall the team is using destruction where it makes sense and is also making sure it stays true to the Star Wars universe. While there is some destruction in the game, Battlefront will not feature large-scale destruction like you see in Battlefield. Trees and other select environmental objects will take damage etc.”

While we all wait for more information when E3 hits, it’s nice to see that the development team is not only determined to make the best star wars game they can, but that the team is also comprised of many huge Star Wars fans. Star Wars: Battlefront launches November 17 for PC(Origin),