Hotfix has arrived for Stoneshard, and here are the bug fixes and changes that arrived with this patch. It’s been a while since we haven’t seen updates for Stoneshard. The developers brought noteworthy changes in the past months but are likely focused on fixing the problems. Today’s update is no different. Hotfix isn’t bringing new playable content but making changes that could make a difference. If you’re annoyed by a few problems, the fix you expected could have arrived today. Here are the patch notes for Stoneshard Hotfix
Stoneshard Hotfix Patch Notes

- Reworked the algorithm for rendering the UI, which should result in a major (25-30%) FPS boost when running the game on low-end systems.
- Added a shortcut for Inspecting enemies, Shift+LMB.
- Items and body parts will now be grayed out when attempting to use an item that can’t be applied to them.
- Added a button for deleting characters in the save menu.
- Added pop-up hints that explain Knockback and attacks of opportunity.
- While on the ground, quivers will now display the amount of bolts and arrows stored inside them.
- Contract rewards are now given in coin purses.
Stoneshard Hotfix Patch Notes – Fixes
- Fixed the algorithm for calculating the amount of blocked damage.
- Fixed the issue with the Durability system that caused items to lose more Durability than intended and damaged incorrect items.
- Jewelry, cloaks, and belts will now slowly lose Durability when worn by the character.
- Fixed the rounding issue that caused Fortitude to grant its maximum benefits upon reaching 26% instead of 50%.
- Fixed “Pathfinder” not revealing certain enemy types when using “Examine Surroundings.”
- Optimized the rendering of sea tiles on the global map.
- Fixed and standardized a number of rounding issues.
- Fixed the inability to trade with ol’ Tott.
- Fixed the damage formula of “Seal of Reflection”.”Fixed the bug causing unique items that drop on certain enemies’ death to appear multiple times per playthrough.
- Fixed Hostile enemies not alerting their allies if they are located outside of the player character’s – Vision.
- Fixed “Confusion” sometimes causing enemies to move to random tiles if their opponent is adjacent.
- Fixed birds not reacting to the use of abilities.
- Fixed certain modifiers not working as intended while affected by “Megalomania.”
- Fixed the bug with “Hunter’s Mark” and enemy crossbowmen.
- Fixed “Battle-Forged” not taking already accumulated stacks of the effect into account in certain situations.
- Fixed the bug allowing cooldowns to go down when performing actions that don’t take a turn.
- Fixed “Rune of Sustention” granting incorrect bonuses.
- Fixed Backfire Chance being displayed without the percentage symbol in the character menu.
- Fixed the Elven Lady, Wine Trader, and Fish Monger’s incorrect dialogue lines.
- Removed daggers’ hidden Crit Efficiency bonus against Unaware targets.
- Fixed the missing note in Ryn’s basement.
- Fixed the incorrect formula tag in the hover of “Hewing Strike.”
- Fixed “Determination” not delivering a strike to an approaching enemy after knocking them back during a previous turn.
- Fixed the mace-wielding Skeleton Kingsguard not dropping a shield on death.
- Updated the hover of “Immolation.”
- Updated the hover of “Deafening Roar.”
- Fixed the Carved Topaz Amulet’s incorrect material type.
- Fixed Verren not having access to Magic Mastery in the Prologue.
- Fixed the interaction of “Flurry of Strikes” with Hands Efficiency.
- Receiving an attack that deals no damage should no longer trigger the “damage taken” sound effect.
- Fixed the bug caused by repeatedly aggroing the Ancient Troll.
- Fixed Guards continuing to chase the character after already searching them for stolen items or collecting a fine.
- Fixed the incorrect price modifier that caused Brynn Craftsmen to repair items for cheaper than their colleagues in Mannshire and Osbrook.
- Both “Tactics” now lose stacks when delivering basic strikes and using Attack skills.
- Fixed the bug that caused successful blocks to transform received fumbled strikes into successful ones.
- Fixed the interaction between “Impulse” and enemy movements.
- Fixed crossbow bolts having a Range stat.
- Fixed crossbow bolts’ stats not matching their hovers.
- The max duration of “Vigor” gained from resting near a campfire is now the same as from sleeping.
- Fixed some Mannshire containers not having an owner.
- Fixed the Ancient Troll not being able to attack the character in some spots of the arena.
- Fixed “Deafening Roar,” sometimes activating twice per turn.
- Fixed “Troll Regeneration” triggering twice per turn if the Ancient Troll is affected by certain debuffs.
- Fixed some modifiers being able to trigger twice per turn.
- Fixed the Ancient Troll activating “Troll Regeneration” while the character is still adjacent.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of the Damage Taken penalty applied to the Ancient Troll after disrupting its “Troll Regeneration.”
- Fixed enemy rangers sometimes taking a shot at the adjacent character instead of switching to their melee weapon.
- Removed the possibility of dragging or learning abilities while precasting another ability.
- Fixed the issue with campfires’ visibility.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of “Tactics” effects.
- Outlander Merchants in the Brynn Docks now continue to trade even after sunset.
- Fixed the bug causing enemies to sometimes prioritize the destruction of objects instead of other actions.
- Fixed the duplicating trading tabs when interacting with some NPCs.
- Fixed the incorrect cooldown of “Thirst for Battle.”
- Fixed “Seal of Shackles” not scaling with the caster’s Magic Power.
- Fixed enemies being able to counter “Finisher” before dying to it.
- Fixed “Adaptability” not reducing the duration of “Poisoning.”
- Removed the possibility of fixing items that don’t have Durability.
- Fixed enemies not turning Hostile after being hit with a fumbled attack.
- Fixed “Sprint Training” not reducing Charge skills’ Energy Cost.
- Fixed Medium and Severe Hand Injuries debuffing Block Chance instead of Accuracy.
- Fixed the Throwing Net’s hover not matching its effects.
- Fixed “Reign in Blood” not having Strength among the list of Attributes required for unlocking it.
- The Wine Trader’s stall now uses a sprite that corresponds with the goods she actually sells.
Stoneshard Hotfix Patch Notes – Balance
- Reduced the minimum Durability threshold required for fixing an item with a Repair Kit: [90/80% > 80/60%].
- Learning “Self-Repair” now allows to occasionally receive armor fragments as loot from killed enemies.
- Increased the duration of all Stances: [6 > 12] turns.
- “Right on Target”: reduced the base bonus to Hands Efficiency by 4% and the base bonus to Armor Penetration by 5%.
- “Finisher”: lowered the minimum Max Health required for instantly killing the skill’s target.
- “First Aid”: grants +10% Health Restoration and +[100% > 50%] Healing Efficiency for [90 > 60] turns.
- Tweaked the formulas of some Dagger, Sword, Ranged Weapon, Axe, and Pyromancy abilities.
- Equipped cloaks now prevent metal items from rusting when affected by 3+ stacks of “Wetness.”
As you see above, there are a lot of changes made. The bug fixes shouldn’t directly reflect how you play, but the new balance tweaks seem like something you should be aware of. Just like how in most turn-based games, Stoneshard players could need replanning their strategy with new updates. We hope that would bring a more stable game experience because the game is one of the rare turn-based RPG games on Steam.
Stoneshard is available on PC, PS4,