Below, you will find all the information you need to know about mining in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life. In this game, you can run your farm. In addition to growing and selling crops, you can go to the mine to dig and find exciting artifacts. Mining is not as important as farming, but it will be handy, as it will help you get money to better care for your plants. Follow the instructions in this Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life guide to learn all about mining, dig site, and other helpful stuff.
Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Dig Site

You can make archaeological research to add valuable items to your inventory to sell. You can dig up these things in a place like the archeological dig site, which is located in the northern part of Forgotten Valley. Not far from the waterfall, you will notice a small camp belonging to the archaeologists Carter and Flora, who are conducting digs to learn more about the valley’s history. Not far from the tent, you will notice a blue tarp. Just under it is a small room where archaeologists work.
How To Work in Dig Site
To get started, you must come to the dig site any day except the 3rd and 8th of each season. The dig site will be available from 10 AM to 5 PM, and you can work for as long as 7 hours, but after the agreed time, the location closes, and you will need to leave. When you arrive at the dig site, you will need to talk to Carter, after which you will receive a trowel from him, and you can start working.
When you’re ready, walk over to one of the cracks in the ground and hover over it until it’s highlighted with a blue square, then press the interaction button to start digging. It may take you a while, but eventually, you can see traces of treasure. Keep searching until you see an exclamation point above your character, symbolizing something has been found. Digging further, you may come across a long-awaited treasure or garbage, which the game will notify you of and briefly describe the find.
You will be able to take all the finds with you, except for those that Carter will take, and in most cases, these are stone tablets that he needs for his project. To end the dig, talk to Carter.
Dig Site Finds and Stone Tablets

When you leave the dig site, you can sell the items you find or give them to the locals to make them happy. You can find a lot of different treasures, given that every year, the room in which the excavation is carried out increases, which leads you to new findings. Each treasure carries a specific value, and we have created a table so that you can find the prices of the finds you can find in the first three years. You can sell all of them to Van twice a season when the dig site closes.
Item | Price |
Coin | 40 |
Fish Fossil | 40 |
Leaf Fossil | 50 |
Clay Figurine | 60 |
Shell Fossil | 60 |
Silver Coin | 80 |
Clay Horse | 100 |
Moonlight Ore | 100 |
Magatama Stone | 200 |
Sugarstar Ore | 200 |
Hexagonal Ore | 600 |
Golden Fork | 1000 |
Golden Comb | 1500 |
Golden Fish | 2000 |
You can also find rare Stone Tablets. You can find a maximum of one per year, and with it, you can increase the excavation area for the following year. In addition, once you see this tablet, you cannot take it for yourself because Carter needs it to learn the valley’s history. You don’t need to do anything special to get the tablet. It can be found during your regular digs on one of the days if you visit the dig site often. Also, if you want to read more, here is the Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life fishing guide for you.
Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is available on PS5,