We knew Akuma was coming to Street Fighter V, but now we know when. We also know a bit of what he can do. Akuma was officially revealed at today’s PlayStation Experience event, and the Capcom Unity blog released his reveal trailer, as well as information on how the character will play. First, check out Akuma’s awesome reveal trailer below:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y7TRMISkGE[/embedyt]
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Akuma generally plays as somewhat of a glass cannon, with great pressure and heavy hitting moves, but with poor defense. Harrison at the Capcom Unity blog released the following on how Akuma will fit in to the balance of Street Fighter V: “Akuma returns to Street Fighter V, displaying his mastery of Ansatsuken and while he has become burlier than previous games, he possesses quick footwork and devastating combos. He has a wide array of destructive tools and is able to completely out-class opponents with his oppressive pressure.”
Harrison also has information on Akuma’s V-Trigger, V-Skill, and Critical Art.

Akuma’s V-Skill is called the Rakan, and is similar to Ryu’s. Akuma will adapt a defensive stance that allows him to parry attacks, and also unleash a counter attack if the parry is successful.
Akuma’s Critical Art, the Sekia Koretsuha, sees him strike the ground with immense energy, creating a pillar or energy that devastates his opponent.
His V-Trigger is called the Dohatsu Shoten, which is a power-up mode similar to many other V-Triggers. It makes his fireball game more powerful, as well as powering up his uppercuts. In addition, Akuma must be in his V-Trigger in order to enable his ultimate Critical Art, the Shun Goku Satsu. This move ends the trailer and should be familiar to anyone who has encountered Akuma before.
Akuma is a fan favorite, and he is the first available DLC fighter for Street Fighter V‘s second season. He will release on December 20th.
Excited to reenter the fray as Akuma? Or is Street Fighter V already past its expiration date? Let us know in the comments below!