If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen people parking over the designated lines in public parking lots, I’d be a very rich man. Sure, it may not be the most egregiously annoying thing to do, but it can be pretty irritating, especially if you’re forced to park right next to them due to a lack of free spaces. That’s exactly what happened to a family recently, but the vehicle they parked next to belonged to a very stubborn Karen. The incident was caught on camera and shared to Reddit earlier today.
The video footage takes place in a public parking lot, and sees a Karen stood leaning against a white Honda vehicle. This car does not belong to the Karen, however. Instead, it belongs to the cameraman’s family who is recording the incident on his phone. Moments after the clip starts, a female employee from the nearby store — which presumably owns the parking lot — approaches the Karen and tells her: “The owner, they want you to leave.” Unfortunately, due to the poor sound quality, it’s very difficult to discern what the Karen is saying.
While two wrongs don’t make a right, the cameraman — whose family owns the white Civic the Karen is blocking — does begin to berate the Karen with ill-mannered comments about her neck: “Ma’am, you have more important things to worry about. Like, ma’am, you have to go get a neck. You have no neck, ma’am. You out here being racist. You don’t even have a neck ma’am.” The Karen ignores the comments from the man and stares at her phone stoically.
The man continues: “You can go to Amazon right now and get a neck for $27. You can get you a whole neck. You put it on your shoulders. And you good, man. Okay? Uh-oh, it’s about to get real.” It’s at this point where a woman in a pink top enters the frame and attempts to “peacefully” shepherd the Karen away with the back of her body.
The Karen tries to move around her, but the woman in pink uses her arms and body to block her, reminiscent of a defensive basketball player. “Back up, back up!” the woman in pink warns the Karen, adding a “Have a good day,” when the car is finally able to reverse out of the parking space.
As the Karen returns to her vehicle, which was parked over the designated white line, the man hurls a few final comments her way, exclaiming: “Man, you just wasted all your time in your life and you still ain’t got no neck.”
As you may’ve guessed, the internet wasted no time in weighing in with their reactions and thoughts to the footage, with the majority of the comments centered around the man’s amusing “neck” remarks.
Is there an update? Did she ever get a neck
A second user added, “The ma’am’s are the most hurtful part lol“
Another Redditor chimed in with, “And she’s the one that parked on the line“
A fourth commenter was impressed with the woman in pink’s defensive skills, writing: “That Black lady played some serious defense with the way she boxed NoNeck out!“
Lastly, a further netizen was a little confused with the Karen’s behavior, and a commenter responded to her query adding some detail to their read on the situation: Basically, the Karen was trying “To waste their time like she feels they have wasted hers. Got a narcissist mother. I can decode them all day long.”
Clearly, the Karen was in the wrong, though the cameraman’s comments were probably a little excessive as well. I just find the whole incident a little embarrassing from the Karen’s perspective. I mean, the Karen was the one who parked over the designated line in the first place, so she was the one at fault, really. In other words, it was the Karen’s poor parking skills that led to her being unable to re-enter her vehicle. Hopefully, she’ll think twice about parking over the designated white lines going forward.