Separating the mean guns from the meme guns.
You get an Incarnon! And you get an Incarnon! Everyone gets an Incarnon!
Online wars have been waged over Riven mods; you’ll soon find out why.
Lets replace bullets with rockets. What do you mean ‘war crime’?
Gotta go fast. Step on the Gauss! Caffeine!
Bullet jumped all the way up there.
Primed Soon. +100% Soon duration.
Don’t let these enemies push you around.
Primed Chamber is way past its prime.
Weapons-grade toxicity.
Gas! Gas! Gas! I’m gonna step on the gas.
Guns or blades? No need to choose, this gun shoots blades.
You feeling that Mutagen Mass effect?
That’s where all the trouble began…. That scarf. That damn scarf.
Your forever weapon, until the next big update, of course.
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More +Circuitrillionaires hate this one simple trick.
Not an impossible Tusk.
It eclipses other abilities.
Of course you need space figs to build your superweapons.
Making friends while sleepwalking has never been easier.
Deadlier and more explosive than your regular latrine.
Don’t go mald over Molt Augmented.
Mo’ Platinum, mo’ problems.
Here’s your pick of good boys and good girls– and good bots too.