Check out how to complete all Beren quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Dragon’s Dogma 2
If e’er you’re in need of a heart to return to… then let it be mine.
Arisen the postman
Romance or more money?
A must-know for all looking to fast travel to areas no Oxcart can reach.
What is paradise to you?
Show me the way!
You’ve got a long road ahead of you.
Were they really looking that hard?
He’s a big, fat phony!
Back to where it all began.
What’s in the box?!
Why wasn’t anyone watching this kid?
You don’t need to buy DLC.
Don’t buy it!
Latest stories
More +As expensive as getting a professional to dye your hair.
That Pawn ain’t right.
Sister (caught in the) Act.
What’s in it for me?
My faithful yet chaotic companion.
Check out how to complete all Beren quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
If e’er you’re in need of a heart to return to… then let it be mine.
Arisen the postman