Title: Double Kick Heroes Developer: Headbang Club Publisher: Headbang Club, Hound Picked Games Genre: 2D, Survival,…
Humble Games has cemented itself as one of the better indie publishers out there. Over…
Retro and arcade are synonymous at this point, with many older gamers having arcades be…
It’s frankly been a very long time since we’ve seen the dog and rabbit crimefighting…
The Good Life, an indie freestyle RPG, is launching on PC and consoles in the…
Darq is an upcoming title developed and published by Unfold Games. In partnership with publisher…
Who doesn’t fancy a good old wild west adventure? It’s a genre less ventured but…
Endure the wilds of Alaska in HypeTrain Digital’s The Wild Eight, now available to grab…
Given that the 2020 United States election is tomorrow, the general public (including gamers) no…
A great terror lurks beyond the terrifying darkness. It’s post-graduation for Saki and her friends,…
We’ve got plenty of RPGs at this point, including some that truly captivate audiences. We’ve…
Indie games over the past several years have gained a reputation as a unique art…
If I’m being honest, there are few games this year that I found myself enjoying,…
It seems that with all the recent technological advancements, space travel has been a hot…
Honestly, who doesn’t love a good beat ’em up from time to time? There’s plenty…
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Title: Double Kick Heroes Developer: Headbang Club Publisher: Headbang Club, Hound Picked Games Genre: 2D, Survival,…
Humble Games has cemented itself as one of the better indie publishers out there. Over…
Retro and arcade are synonymous at this point, with many older gamers having arcades be…