It is what it is
Xbox game confirmed before any Nintendo games
To hold you off until the Xbox Direct
Are ya winning, sons of Sony?
You’re Xbox, I’m Xbox. Are there any other Xboxes I should know about?!
It’ll remain a myth for Xbox fans
Must you keep disappointing yourself?
It had a good run, but it’s time I move on
This will send absolutely no one to PlayStation
It is charming and it builds character
His smile and optimism: gone…?
This will likely delay upcoming projects
Latest stories
More +To hold you off until the Xbox Direct
Are ya winning, sons of Sony?
You’re Xbox, I’m Xbox. Are there any other Xboxes I should know about?!
It’ll remain a myth for Xbox fans
Must you keep disappointing yourself?
It had a good run, but it’s time I move on
This will send absolutely no one to PlayStation
It is charming and it builds character