As an avid fan of RPG’s in gaming, none have been more consistent in terms of quality and enjoyment than Bandai Namco Studio’s Tales series. The series spans 15 games on a variety of consoles, not far behind the behemoth that is Final Fantasy (see what I did there?)

The latest game in the series, Tales of Zestiria, is already out in Japan, with a localization to the west coming later this year. But thanks to a couple of leaks on retailers’ websites, the game may also be coming to another console!
Nedgame, a retailer in the Netherlands, and Best Buy here in the U.S. have both updated their websites with a pre-order page for Tales of Zestiria for Playstation 4. Both pages have since been taken down, but if you search online, you might be able to find some screenshots of the pages before they were removed. was lucky enough to grab one.
The Tales series, while on consoles other than Sony, have enjoyed a prosperous lifespan on Playstation 3 with six of its games released on the system. So it seems like a PS4 Tales game would come sooner or later, but could it come as early as this year? Both Best Buy and Nedgame listed the PS4 version of Tales of Zestiria to be released in October. This could all be false information, as sometimes websites make assumptions and jump to wrong conclusions, but two of them in roughly the same time period? E3 is right around the corner, a month away now, and if there’s any place to announce the next generation of Tales games, it would be there.

Is the next Tales game set to premier on PS4 this fall? Or did these websites just make a simple mistake? Were the pages taken down because of that mistake, or because they let the air out of the bag a little early? Hopefully we’ll learn more in the next month as E3 comes closer.