Not all heroes wear capes; some wear beanies and skinny jeans and wield a semi-automatic rifle. This can be said of a brave security guard who saved the lives of many patrons at The Dream, a restaurant nightclub in Chattanooga, Tennessee. During one busy night, an armed man pulled up in his car on the street opposite the building and approached with murderous intent. Thankfully, a calm and well-trained bouncer was on duty that night.
When the shooter was close enough to innocent passers-by, he pulled out a handgun and began firing. The security bouncer on duty did not hesitate to empty his rifle’s mag on the shooter and prevent a mass shooting. The shooter was hit but not killed and fled the scene. However, he was later arrested after checking into a hospital to have his gunshot wound treated.
“If anyone come down here with that foolishness, they know now that Dream security have zero tolerance,” expresses The Dream’s Head of Security Joe Reed. Speaking with Local 3, Reed said a shooting occurred inside the nightclub late last year, after which the establishment promptly “upped the amount of security they had.” With upgraded metal detectors, more cameras, and licensed security staff, Dream was prepared in advance for armed criminals like the one repelled by the rifle-wielding security guard.
“There is security and there is SECURITY,” remarks a YouTube commenter, referring to how this individual who saved Dream customers from the attack was the real deal. “That guy has had training. Cool, calm and collected while firing well-aimed, controlled shots. Well done, brother!” expresses another follower of the news report. “This guy straight up went into hero mode,” chimes in a Redditor.
Needless to say, the calm guard has received overwhelmingly positive support from people online. Dozens call him a hero and commend him for his bravery and skill in quickly pacifying the threat that could have ended many lives that night at the restaurant. There were several who were perplexed that his firearm did not have a rear sight. However, the fact that he successfully hit only the perpetrator shows that he was the right person for the job.