Traveller’s Tales (TT Games) and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have announced a Force Awakens Lego game will be released later this year, with additional story content exclusive to the game included as well. While it’s been about five years since the last Lego Star Wars game, the newest addition to the universe seems to be just as
While it’s been about five years since the last Lego Star Wars game, the newest addition to the universe seems to be just as funny, while staying true to the source material. Check out the quick, but the funny re-creation of the original teaser trailer for Episode VII that came along with the game announcement.
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As per usual, the game will be released on every conceivable platform, even the “old gen” of PS3 and
On top of that, what seems to be the most interesting part is that the game will also add in some story-based content to fill in some of the gaps from the film. Sure all the usual story beats and characters will be attending the new Lego iteration, but players will also be able to play through some key pieces of lore between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.
A game wouldn’t be a game without a Season Pass (right!?…), and TT Games and Warner Bros. have one lined up for this Lego game as well. It can be purchased separately, or as seen on their official game website, as part of a golden-looking Deluxe Edition. New modes will be introduced for the first time in a Lego Star Wars game, a “Multi-Build” option and Blaster Battles. No big details revealed just yet on these, but they sound like multiplayer-driven ideas for a franchise that has typically been single player or couch co-op focused.
Look for the game to be released on June 28th of this year. Just for fun, why not rewatch the (awesome) original teaser trailer for The Force Awakens and compare it to the hilarious one from the Lego team.