The National Video Game Museum in Sheffield, England, is the only museum in the entire United Kingdom dedicated to the collection and preservation of video game culture. It protects the memories of the hobby we all love and is apparently one of the world’s leading institutions in this field.
I wouldn’t know as I’ve yet to visit, and I may not ever get the chance, and neither will you.
Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the museum had to close its doors last week to protect both staff and the general public. An understandable decision, of course, but one that threatens the future of the museum itself as it relies on public money to stay open, and they are asking for our help with a just giving page.
Founding patron of the NVG, Ian Livingstone (you may have heard of him if you’re a fan of Warhammer or Tomb Raider) had this to say:
“Coronavirus threatens the very existence of this unique place. The UK’s only museum dedicated to videogames is now under threat. As a new charity which uses videogames to inspire the next generation, we have no safety net to help the Museum weather the storm. We’ve had the support of some patrons and companies, but without visitors the museum is in grave danger. If you care about videogames, please donate in any way you can.”
It would be a shame for such a place to face closure in light of current events, and I, for one, will be donating. There may be many more important places that need the money, and we’ve probably all got much more important things to worry about, but it would be a shame if such a fantastic venue had to close its doors for good.
Here’s hoping a few more video game companies make some donations to keep it open; after all, the loot box money needs to go somewhere.