The Sims 4, a terrifyingly addicting and highly detailed living doll-house, is getting some big changes to the way players can design their squishy little sims. Since 2000, The Sims has given players a myriad amount of clothing, hair, voice, and recently posture, choices to customize your Sim with. Yet, the ever evolving simulacrum that is The Sims is rapidly advancing to meet modern sensibilities with their latest update.
In a recent patch note, Maxis has stated:
For the first time, you’ll be able to customize your Sims without the gender boundaries previously set in place. This means you can now create Sims with any type of physique, walk style, and tone of voice you choose – regardless of their gender. We’ve also made clothing, hair, jewelry, and other visual options available to all Sims. Over 700 pieces of content previously only available to either male or female Sims, have now been made available to all Sims regardless of initial gender selection. This includes content from The Sims 4 base game and previously launched packs.
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The ability to create a wide range of Sims has been a cornerstone of The Sims since it’s initial release over 16 years ago. This latest update is adding exclusivity coupled with the ultimate freedom to design your sim in any way you want. Interestingly enough, The Sims has a long history of adding, at the time of their release, somewhat controversial playstlyes for their Sims: the same-sex relationship ability has been present from the beginning, giving players a diverse cast of Sims to play with.
The Sims wants to give players the choice to play how they want and tell the stories in their own way: “We want to make sure players can create characters they can identify with or relate to through powerful tools that give them influence over a Sims gender, age, ethnicity, body type and more”.

So, what do you think of the recent changes? Will this change the way that you play The Sims? Let us know in the comments below.