Zack Snyder’s: Justice League (also known as the Snyder Cut) will be available to own on 4k Ultra HD and Blu-ray, this coming September, according to ScreenCrush. For those that preferred the Snyder cut to the Joss Whedon cut, this is amazing news. Not much has been confirmed as far as bonus content, but with all the groundswell for the Snyder Cut, you can be sure that there will be tons of extra content that may exceed the film’s run time of 4 hours and 2 minutes. Although there is confirmation of both a standard and a black and white cut of the film included, which follows in the steps of Logan Noir, which is the black and white cut of Logan. In my opinion, Logan should have been released initially in black and white due to it playing like a colorless superhero movie.

Where is The Snyder Sequel?
There is little to no chance of us getting a direct sequel to Zack Snyder’s: Justice League. All things indicate that Warner Bros. is done with Snyder leading the charge for the rest of the way. Snyder recently spoke about the Warner Bros. anti-Snyder sentiment in a YouTube interview where he also spoke about the fan’s want for more:
I love the characters, and I love the worlds, and I think it’s an amazing place to make a movie. It’s just glorious IP. So there’s that. I don’t know what could be done as you go forward, other than, I think this fan movement is so strong, and the fan community is so — the intention is so pure, and I really have huge respect for it. I would hope that cooler heads would prevail with them and that they would see that there’s this massive fandom that wants more of that. But who knows what they’ll do?”
You can watch the video here.
Are you excited to see The Snyder Cut coming to Blu-ray? Let us know down below!