With only two episodes left in the Walking Dead Season Six, fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Negan. Jeffrey Dean Morgan who has been cast in the role has yet to be seen in any episodes thus far and only the name “Negan” has been spoken on several different occasions. The news was eventually released that Negan would actually not make an appearance until the season finale of Season Six, which will now be a 90-minuteepisode. Thanks to a Dutch promo teaser trailer for the finale episode, we have now gotten a glimpse of both Negan and Lucille.

Unfortunately due to copyright issues we will not be attaching the teaser to this article but we do have two photos to show from it. The one photo shows Negan from the back in a black leather jacket from the waist up. The second photo is of Lucille, Negan’s barbwire bat which Glenn found himself at the wrong end of in the Walking Dead comics. Many fans have been asking how Negan will make his entrance in Season Six. If it would be in the same brutal manner of the comics or if the show runners would have something alternate planned for the introduction. It seemed the show wasn’t sure either how it wanted to introduce the character with two different takes reportedly being filmed. The Dutch trailer also included a very short voice over from Jeffrey Dean Morgan which only consisted of three words, “Hi…I’m Negan.”

The next Walking Dead episode titled “East” airs on AMC this Sunday, March 27th and will be followed by the 90-minute finale “The Last Day on Earth” on April 3rd. We will have reviews for both those episodes right here at The Nerd Stash following their airing so be sure to check back. Are you looking forward to seeing Negan in the final episode? Who from the group do you think may die before the end of Season Six? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCwSuavIkaM[/embedyt]