Title: The Walking Dead: “New Best Friends”
Air Date: February 19th, 2017
Network: AMC
Genre: Serial Drama, Horror
The Walking Dead just aired it’s all new episode titled “New Best Friends” and guess what? Rick Grimes has some new best friends. When last week’s “Rock in the Road” came to an end, we saw Rick surrounded by a number of unknown individuals while looking for Father Gabriel. In this week’s episode of the Walking Dead, we get a more up close look at just who these people are and as expected… they join Rick’s cause. It certainly was a fairly tense and emotional episode throughout. All the buildup of season seven thus far is finally reaching its max pressure point. I have a feeling things are going to blow up… and very soon.

The most emotional moment of this episode came from the Daryl and Carol reunion. Once Daryl escaped the Sanctuary and was given safe haven in the Kingdom, it was all but certain that their paths would cross again. Melissa McBride did a fantastic job conveying the emotional turmoil Carol has suffered through. I understand Daryl’s reasoning for holding back what happened to the people of Alexandria. Still, it’s inevitable that Carol will find someday soon. The reunion also led into another short scene with Morgan and Daryl. Morgan knows Daryl didn’t say anything to Carol otherwise she’d have come back with him ready to gear up for war. Daryl is holding onto something just like everyone is in some way.
Rick meeting the crazy armored zombie named Winslow was a unique experience. An army of those armored zombies could reek havoc on any group. While it was expected that Rick was going to win, it didn’t remove the tension from the scene. Rick experienced a spike through the hand which was a brutal one. I hope that doesn’t get infected to the point where he loses it…

Jadis was a quietly intense yet reasonable character. The entire group reminds me of the socially awkward kids you might find at a high school cafeteria table. She put forth a task for Rick to show her it was worth helping him, throwing him in the pit with Winslow and agreeing to help when he won. Andrew Lincoln did say in an interview that the answer to whether this group is friend or foe would be answered quickly… and sure enough, it was. I expect Tara to potentially mention Oceanside sometime soon. While Jadis does agree to help, that help comes at a cost. They want weapons. Outside of the Saviors, where else do we know of that has a cache of weapons? With Rick asking Tara for her help because she’s been out farther than any of them, I think that’s a clear foreshadowing of Oceanside coming into play.

I’m anxious to get more backstory for Richard. He certainly has no love for the Saviors but what has happened that he’s ready to sacrifice Carol to start a war? He knows Ezekiel cares for Carol and her death at the hands of the Saviors would almost certainly force Ezekiel’s hand for war. Daryl stepping in was a very intense moment, in particular when he realizes that Richard is talking about Carol.

I also was digging the opening scene with Morgan and Benjamin stepping in with their staffs. The Saviors may have their numbers but Morgan and Benjamin just schooled that Savior squad in skill. I really expected Morgan to make a play for that staff given his still strong connection with Eastman and his teachings. However, Morgan still refrained as the Savior left with the staff. Richard is so anxious to fight now that he knows about Rick’s plans. Richard certainly reminds me of the employee who just puts up with all the BS at a job because he has to. Then, when he begins to see a way out he starts to let loose a little.
“New Best Friends” was another solid episode for the second half of season seven. I anticipate much of the coming episodes to be emotional nail biters like this episode was, as we work towards the season finale. Did you watch this week’s episode of The Walking Dead? If so, what did you think? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
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