Title: The Walking Dead: “Swear”
Air Date: November 27th, 2016
Network: AMC
Genre: Serial Drama, Horror
The Walking Dead just aired it’s all new episode titled “Swear” where we found ourselves finally checking in with Tara and Heath. Being completely honest, I almost forgot about Tara and Heath. They haven’t been seen on the show since the season six episode “No Tomorrow Yet.” Initially when they left, not only were Glenn and Abraham still alive but Denise as well. It really made me feel bad for Tara watching her journey back to Alexandria with seeing how excited she was to clearly see Denise again, especially given, that since her introduction to the series, Tara has already lost so much.
I didn’t mind the flip-flop between past and present, showing how Heath and Tara got separated, but I was expecting Heath to meet his end by the conclusion of the episode. The actor who plays Heath (Corey Hawkins) has been cast as the male lead in the new Fox series 24: Legacy. Given his substantial role in that show, I think Heath’s time on The Walking Dead is limited. By the end of the episode, Heath did get away, but the broken glasses are not a good sign for the character.

This new group Tara has come across has an interesting way of dealing with individuals they encounter. They just kill them. No conversation… just bang, you’re dead. At first, I had a bit of trouble buying into this whole mindset. Sooner or later, you would think you may kill someone that has a lot more friends than you do. Then again, given the loss they suffered at the hands of the Saviors and with the way the world is… how could you trust anybody? Why…would you trust anybody?
Natanya is the leader of this badass brigade of females and it’s very clear from the get-go that the safety of her people comes first and foremost. Her intention isn’t to do evil unto others but to prevent evil from being done to her community… whatever the cost. Cindy, however, is seemingly much more open to strangers and helping others. This mentality seems to be something passed down from her mother. The little girl, Rachel, is a bit of a wild card.
I didn’t believe that the Saviors were involved at first. However, once Tara mentioned the Satellite station during the dinner, it became very apparent this community knew who the Saviors are. The horrors that this group suffered at the hands of the Saviors makes them and Negan appear that much more terrible and menacing. This community fought back against the Saviors and, as a result, had every male over the age of 10 killed. I think The Walking Dead has excelled thus far in really driving home how terrible the Saviors are. This is not some group you just fight back against or stand up to.

While Tara does swear to Cindy that she will not reveal the location of their community, given the armory she saw, they have to come back into play somewhere down the line. I do want to say, when it comes to that little girl Rachel, Bravo on the gun handling. When she had Tara in her sights, she had her finger off the trigger until she was ready to fire. I also found the exchange between her and Tara amusing. The actress who plays Rachel does have a very “brat” style face and I subconsciously pictured myself giving her the finger along with Tara.
The action remained mild in this episode of The Walking Dead and again, I was alright with it. I’m fairly certain we’re leading up to some very action heavy episodes and these short action scenes we have now are like a teaser. Tara kicking in the one walker’s face was pretty sweet. When she eventually made it back to the bridge though, why not take the bag? That bag started the whole mess on the bridge to begin with, so why completely ignore it and never find out what was inside? After all that trouble I was at least hoping to know what was in it. I am curious if a return to the bridge is in store for the future. The spent ammo casings would be very useful for an ammo production facility.

The most emotional moment of this Walking Dead episode came from Beatrice’s speech to Tara in the woods about the Saviors. It really drove home just how ruthless they are. What makes it especially more powerful is that Tara is unaware they only hit an outpost, whereas Beatrice knows the truth. I have to find out the actress’ name who plays Beatrice, but she did a fantastic job.
Did you catch this week’s episode of The Walking Dead? If so, what did you think? How did you feel about the community Tara discovered? What do you think will become of Heath? Be sure to let us know in the comments below. Also be sure to check out our most recent review of the Loot Wear: Horror Collection.