Title: The Walking Dead: “The Other Side”
Air Date: March 19th, 2017
Network: AMC
Genre: Serial Drama, Horror
The Walking Dead, returned this week with the all-new episode “The Other Side.” After the airing of this episode, only two more remain before season seven comes to an end. I have to say, last week’s episode “Bury Me Here” was probably one of my favorite episodes of this season so far, whereas, this week’s episode was one of my least favorite. That’s not to say that this episode didn’t have its moments. It’s just that given the intensity of last week’s episode and being so close to the end of the season, I expected… more you could say. I felt this episode was very drawn out with the events that happened.

Now, given that I have been battling a stomach bug, this review may be a bit shorter than usual. This episode of the Walking Dead did have some emotional moments, in particular between Maggie and Daryl. A heavy guilt weighs on Daryl for Glenn’s death. He feels responsible and we’ve seen that emotion bubble up on occasion throughout the season. Now that Daryl is back in the Hilltop, he won’t even look at Maggie and keeps to himself off to the side. In the midst of Daryl almost killing a Savior while he and Maggie are in hiding, Maggie confronts Daryl.

The scene was short but still made an impact. I remember I once read that Norman Reedus has the best cry face, which I agree with. Maggie also brings forth a level-headedness in the wake of them almost being discovered. Daryl wanted to kill that Savior snooping around in the cellar but if he did… it would have caused massive problems. Chances are they would have been discovered or the Hilltop would have suffered in some way. Maggie wants them to die just as much as Daryl, but what’s more important is them winning overall. She’s looking at the end goal more than anything else.
Rosita and Sasha finally started their trek to the Sanctuary to take out Negan. When it comes to the conflict between the two, I’ve really had my fill of it. They do makeup in the end but for the most part, that aspect of the story had already run its course for me. The real twist came when it was time to break into the Sanctuary. Sasha locked Rosita out at the gate and went in alone. While Sasha isn’t shown to be killed here, I think it’s fairly safe to say, she’s a goner. As I mentioned in a previous review, Sonequa Martin is currently set to star in the new Star Trek series. Many believed upon the release of that news that Sasha’s time was limited.

One other little curveball was when Rosita and Sasha confronted Eugene at the gate. I was hoping that Eugene siding with the Saviors was going to be worked as some kind of angle. At this point, however, it seems that Eugene is in fact comfortable at the Sanctuary. It’s still possible that he may have something in the works. After all, if he did escape, he’d be in the same situation as Daryl. Eugene would have to constantly be in hiding and he is nowhere near as capable of a fighter as Daryl. Not to mention, if Rosita was planning on both her and Sasha going into the Sanctuary, what was the plan with Eugene if they did break him out? Were they hoping he would wander back to Alexandria alone… in the dark?
The other main event in this Walking Dead episode was the Saviors’ unexpected arrival at the Hilltop. While the previews somewhat gave the impression that the Saviors might be aware of some of the Alexandria members, it turns out not to be the case. As it turns out, they’re there for Doctor Carson. While they’re at the Hilltop, Gregory shows even more of his sniveling cowardliness. Gregory cozies up to Simon getting the location of the Sanctuary just in case he needs to reach him, for instance, if he needs to inform the Saviors of some of the things going on at the Hilltop. He actually threatens Jesus with the information.

The Walking Dead did bring forth some other moments. Jesus and Maggie had a good scene together. Thomas Payne did say that his Jesus character would stay true to the comics and in this episode, it was officially revealed that he’s gay. We also saw Maggie, Enid and Sasha training the Hilltop in knife throwing and knife fighting. The big question that arises comes at the end of the episode. Is that Daryl that comes across Rosita? I think it’s Dwight. We’re led to believe that it’s Daryl because we see him asking Jesus where Sasha and Rosita went. Looks like we’ll have to wait until the next episode to find out.
Did you catch tonight’s episode of the Walking Dead? If so, what did you think? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.