Gearbox has finally released Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, a spin-off game set in the universe of our beloved Borderlands game series. Following Tiny Tina as she enjoys a fun game of Bunkers and Badasses with her friends, it’s up to you to enact the world unfolding and take down all sorts of creatures in a quest to stop the evil Dragon Lord. Before you can do so, you must first decide whether to score yourself the Standard Edition, the Next Level Edition, or the Chaotic Great Edition, with the latter two including the Dragon Lord pack If you’re wondering whether the latter item makes it worth it (since the season pass content isn’t available yet), then we’re here to help you out. In this guide, we’ll answer whether the Dragon Lord pack for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is worth the added price alongside the season pass!
Is the Dragon Lord Pack for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Worth It?
Before we go into whether you should score it or not, let’s have a quick look at what exactly you get in this bonus content pack:
- The Legendary Weapon titled “The Apex”
- The Legendary Spell titled “Skullantir”
- The Tyrant Attire Armor Preset
- The Villain’s Visage Face Preset
- The Death’s Head Makeup Pack
- The Emperor of the Dead Banner Set
- The Kwartz Hero Statue Material
With that out of the way, we could easily tell you that you should pick based on your preferences and be done with it. While to an extent that’s true, it’s important to note that the Legendary Weapon and Spell aren’t as great as they’re made out to be. See, fans of the Borderlands games know that once you’ve made it a good chunk of the way through the game, legendaries become fairly common depending on the sorts of content you engage in. This is still true here, so the ability to get these items should come somewhat naturally. Instead, you’ll need to decide if the various cosmetics are worth your while and how much your care about your character’s style. If you want more ways to customize your character, then go for it. If not, then you won’t lose sleep at night over it.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Unveils PlayStation Showcase Trailer
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,