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Today’s going to be a pretty… fiery day, full of expressive energy and mental clarity. The moon is now in Aries, aspecting Mercury, so don’t be surprised if you have some pretty bold thoughts, make quick decisions, and feel just a tad bit impulsive throughout the morning. Later on when Jupiter activates, you might find yourself with a bit of luck, too. Later on this evening we’ll have an alignment between the Aquarius sun and Aries moon, which will give us that little shove we need to get out of our comfort zones and try something new.
This morning, you’ll feel the urge to get your thoughts out quickly and effectively. Who has time for meaningless small talk? Not you, today. Later on this afternoon when Jupiter activates, you’ll find yourself coming into some good news, and maybe even taking a second to rethink some questions you might have had earlier this morning. Today’s the perfect day to speak your mind, so if there’s anything you left out this morning, get in out before the evening rolls in. Tonight the sun and moon will align, creating the perfect environment for community and fun, so spend some time with your loved ones tonight.
Today, you should take some time to really think about the areas of your life that you’d like to move past and close them down to make room for a future that’s more beneficial to you. Now’s the perfect time for you to start new beginnings and start crafting the foundations for your future expansion. Later on when Jupiter activates, take advantage of the luck that it brings and dream big, just don’t forget to stay realistic about your goals and make the proper moves to inch closer to them. This evening when the sun and moon connect, spend some time in solitude. Turn off the phone and TV, and enjoy the peace that it brings you.
This morning’s all about your spirituality and how important it is that you not keep it to yourself and share it with others around you. Take some time this morning to look for others with the same interests as you to speak with, maybe take a meditation or yoga class, or even connect with others who have the same religion. Later on when Jupiter activates in Gemini, speak your thoughts. Your charisma will be through the roof and better to be let free to go wild and charm those around you. Tonight, though, with the sun and moon aligned, take some time to think about what you can realistically do an as individual to better the world you live in.
Today, you’re going to want to make sure you’re fully prepared for anything you have coming up this week, whether it be a work-related conference or negotiation, or even a commitment to help out a friend with something. Be careful if you encounter any heated conversations, as your ability to come up with reasonable and logically-fueled arguments will be at an all time high. Fight carefully, but thoughtfully, using that skill to speak up for yourself. Later on when Jupiter activates, take a while to empty your mind and think about the moves you’ll make moving forward and opening new paths you have yet to venture down. Later on when the sun and moon align, spend some time with a loved one and ask for their opinions on your latest ideas.
This morning when the Aries moon and Mercury connect, you’ll be in a great mood, feeling joyful and committed to your relationships. Today’s the day to take deep dives into the connections that you have with those closest to you, getting to know them on a level you haven’t yet reached. However, later on when Jupiter activates, take some time to really think about whether or not you’re compatible with those you are interested in as potential partners. Take them out on a date to test the waters and see how things go between the two of you. This evening when the moon moves to align with the sun, let your true colors be seen by those closest to you.
Today’s the day for you to really focus on forming habits that will better yourself in the long run in terms of both your energy and your motivation and determination to be and do better. Make sure the choices you make are well thought out and will benefit you in the far future, not just the immediate future. Later on this afternoon when Jupiter activates in Gemini, expect to learn of new opportunities at your current job, or even at a new job that could pay better than the one you have now. Tonight, however, spend some time relaxing before heading to bed.
Today will be a pretty busy day for you, Libra. Start your day early so that you have plenty of time to do all the things you’d like to today. Make sure you speak your mind when you need to when you’re planning out your day with your friends and loved ones. Today isn’t the day to sit back and agree to things you won’t be happy with. Later on this afternoon when Jupiter activates, trust in your ideas; they might just take you places you’ve never experienced before. If you need the need to do something, trust in your intuition! Later on this evening, spend some time with your closest friends, participating in calm, enjoyable activities before you head home and go to bed for the night.
If you don’t have many plans today, don’t worry too much. Today’s a great day to stay home and tiny up the house a bit while you catch up on chores and clear your living space of any stagnant energy. You might even find some enjoyment in completing boring household chores. Later on when Jupiter activates in Gemini, spend some time with someone you trust. Maybe make some plans for lunch with them. Tonight, however, turn the focus to yourself and think about your health and what you can do to improve it over the coming weeks. Remember to drink water, eat healthy meals, and stretch to try to get rid of some of the stress that’s been overwhelming you the past couple of days.
Today, be the reason that your friends come together and get reconnected after a period of being separated. While that might seem like a pretty big responsibility, you’ll find happiness in bringing them together again. However later on when Jupiter activates in Gemini, you might find yourself drawn to someone you have a romantic interest in. However, this would be a great time to introduce your partner to your friends. Later on this evening when you prepare to head to bed, take some time to plan a fun activity or get-together with your friend friend in the coming days.
Today’s a perfect day to get outside and enjoy everything that Earth has to offer. The connection between the Aries moon and Mercury are giving off pretty playful and fun vibes, so take a minute to just enjoy the things around you and appreciate the things you typically look over in your day to day life. Later on when Jupiter activates in Gemini, try something new and adventurous that you haven’t before. However, this evening when the moon starts to come up, plan to spend some time at home with your favorite people, eating your favorite meal or doing something you enjoy.
Today, you’ll be full of bright new ideas. Don’t keep them to yourself though, make sure you share them with those closes to you. Don’t be surprised if you leave a lasting impression on those you meet today, and impress them with your quick wit. Enjoy some playful banter with them and your friends, as well as your romantic partners. This evening, however, take a moment to really think about how far you’ve come in this life and how far you still have yet to go before you’re where you want to be.
Today’s the perfect day to be grateful for all that you have and the things you’ve learned throughout your years. With the connection between the Aries moon and Mercury, you should make deep connections between the thoughts in your head and the world around you. Trust in your intuition this afternoon when Jupiter activates, but don’t venture too far from your house this time around. Tonight, though, spend some time alone, focusing on those connections you made this morning and trying to find any you may have missed.