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There are many different Gun Game map codes in Fortnite. However, most of them are identical or have no players. Creative Maps with a low number of players are not fun to play on, and developers won’t improve them because they have no players. If you ask me, there are two different types of Fortnite Gun Game, the first is One Shot and the second is a normal Gun Game. In this list, you will find the best Gun Game Maps of both types and Fortnite codes of famous maps like Nuketown.
1. The OG Gun Game

The most fun Gun Game modes in Fortnite are the ones that aren’t One Shot for me. The OG Gun Game is one of the best non-One Shot Fortnite Gun Game Maps. This map has a very high and consistent player base, and the map you play on is beautiful. Apart from that, the weapons you get are quite different and fun, and from time to time it challenges you by giving you difficult weapons.
Fortnite Map Code: 1032-2690-5714
2. The Yacht – Gun Game

This Fortnite Gun Game map is also based on Call Of Duty, and it’s of of the best Gun Game Maps in Fortnite. This one doesn’t have One Shot mode turned on either, so you kill your opponents by draining all their Armor and Health. In this map, you can find buffs like x2 Damage or Movement Speed and this makes the game much more fun. Since the map is small, you get a very fast-paced Gun Game experience.
Fortnite Map Code: 6695-6434-6688
3. Nuketown 2025 – Gun Game

Nuketown 2025 Gun Game is a new addition to Fortnite and is currently on the rise. Players are frequently searching for the map code for the Nuketown Gun Game in Fortnite. Like the Yacht map, it’s based on a Call of Duty map and doesn’t have One Shot mode enabled. Other than that, the weapons you get are just okay.
Fortnite Map Code: 8124-4629-6812
4. You Think You’re The King?! Gun Game

If you’re looking for a faster experience, we recommend you try the Gun Game Map codes with the “One Shot” feature in Fortnite. This is because no matter what weapon you have in your hand, they all kill your enemy with a single bullet. The only thing I don’t like about “You Think You’re The King?!” is that you can see the nicknames of the players. The best feature of this map is that you can unlock different features according to the killstreak you make.
3 Kill: Instant Reload
6 Kill: Super Speed
9 Kill: Super Jump
15 Kill: Invincible
20 Kill: Nuke
Fortnite Map Code: 3683-3394-5989
5. Mythic Gun Game

In the Fortnite Mythic Gun Game map, you can get unique weapons, and at the same time, you can get different traits by doing killstreak like in the map above. In my opinion, the only downside of this map is that the map is too big for the number of players, and the spawn points are terrible.
Fortnite Map Code: 4073-6353-7063
6. Winterfest Snowing Gun Game One Shot

This map has the One Shot feature, which means that you eliminate your enemies with a single bullet regardless of the weapon. Although I don’t like it, this type of Gun Game provides very fast gameplay and can be quite fun. Here you can see weapons that you haven’t seen in the game for a long time and that you forgot even existed because all weapons are active in this Fortnite Gun Game Map. It also occasionally snows on the map.
Fortnite Map Code: 1018-9585-9571
7. Sponge Gun Game One Shot

Our next map is Sponge Bob-themed, but even if you’re not a fan of the cartoon series, this is a very playable map overall. All weapons are available, you eliminate your opponent with a single bullet, and you’re underwater. Even though you’re underwater, you can run and walk normally, but your movement speed is much faster than normal.
Fortnite Map Code: 1148-0401-4430
8. OG Tilted Gun Game

I don’t think there’s an OG Fortnite player who doesn’t love the Tilted Towers location. OG Tilted Gun Game Map code will take you to this nostalgic POI. On this map, you will enjoy OG weapons while playing in Tilted Tower. You can eliminate your opponents with a single bullet in this Gun Game mode.
Fortnite Map Code: 0534-8977-8815
9. 2D Fortnite Gun Game One Shot

If you are tired of the standard Gun Game Map codes in Fortnite, we can recommend the 2D Fortnite Gun Game One Shot. Unlike other Gun Games, this map is 2D and offers you a completely different Fortnite experience. You can play with your friends up to 8. It is also a Gun Game mode that can be played Hide and Seek style by hiding under boxes.
Fortnite Map Code: 7197-6378-9999
10. OG Gun Game One Shot

OG Gun Game One Shot has an extremely high number of players, with each lobby having almost 20 people in Fortnite and this makes the game extremely enjoyable. Since it is One Shot and you can see the nicknames of other players, you can play very quickly and constantly get kills and move to the next weapon. You constantly get a unique weapon, a Gun Game Map that you should definitely try.
Fortnite Map Code: 5099-4190-9927