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A lot goes into putting together a good Soulslike build. In addition to Attributes, weapons, and armor, there’s a variety of accessories to consider. In Lords of the Fallen, that includes choosing the best rings. Each provides a unique benefit, and all have their place in at least a few builds, but some are far better than others. Some only work in one or two builds but offer such incredible value there they have to be mentioned. Others work with pretty much everything, helping you handle everything these difficult games can throw at you. You can even plan your entire build around these potent pieces. Here are the best rings in LotF, ranked from good to game-changing.
5. Ring of Nourishment
![The Ring of Nourishment from Lords of the Fallen](
Like most of the best rings, the Ring of Nourishment has a simple effect: it allows you to regain health upon killing an enemy, which is a big deal in Lords of the Fallen. Many areas in LotF are dense with enemies, which makes getting to the next Vestige in one piece a serious challenge. Your Sanguinarix only has so many charges, so you’ll inevitably need to turn to other ways of healing yourself. The Ring of Nourishment saves you from spending Vigor on healing items. It also makes it so you can fight more waves in Umbra, gaining as much benefit as possible from the Vigor multiplier as your Dread increases.
4. Slinger’s Ring
![Slinger's in Hexwork's new Soulslike](
The Slinger’s Ring causes your throwables to deal additional damage. That seems like a pretty niche benefit until you realize just how potent throwables in LotF can be with this ring. Combine the Slinger’s Ring with a throwable that scales well with your build and you can do some ridiculous damage. High-tier throwables like the Enhanced Lump Hammer and Enhanced Lacerating Knife can kill most mobs with one or two shots. Even bosses don’t stand a chance when you pair the Slinger’s Ring with the right build. Though throwables won’t replace swords and magic for most players, they can take a prominent place in most strategies as a ranged support weapon.
3. Ring of Bones
![The Ring of Bones in Lords of the Fallen](
The Ring of Bones raises your maximum equip load. In other words, this ring allows you to wear heavier armor and wield heavier weapons in LotF without slowing yourself down. You often only have a small window to dodge attacks, whether they’re the swing of a mob on a precarious ledge or a boss’s devastating AoE. If you’re too heavy, your dodge won’t get you out of the way in time. In this way, the Ring of Bones can spare you from otherwise unavoidable deaths. It’s probably most useful for players who want the highest defense they can get while still carrying a medium load, but it’s a versatile ring that can work in a variety of builds and help with achievement-hunting.
2. Lucent Sword Ring
![Lucent Sword in Hexworks's new Soulslike](
The Lucent Sword Ring increases the amount of physical damage you deal when your health is full or almost full. Obviously, that makes this ring less useful for those who intend to shield tank their way through fights in LotF. If you’re good at avoiding blows, however, the Lucent Sword Ring can seriously boost your damage-dealing potential. It’s also probably one of the best choices for a no-hit run since it would effectively amount to a permanent, free buff to DPS. Even if you take your share of hits, you can still get value out of this item with a steady supply of healing items, making it a great option for tricky fights.
1. Moth Ring
![The Moth Ring from Hexworks new Soulslike](
The Moth Ring doesn’t boost your attack or defense, improve your magic, or let you heal. In fact, if you’re trying to min-max your way to the best possible stats, it’s one of the worst rings in the game. What the Moth Ring does is allow you to gain additional Vigor. That means you’ll level up and improve your gear more quickly. If you’re trying to advance as fast as quickly without grinding, there’s simply no substitute. Vigor drops at a decent rate, so this item is far from mandatory. For those players who want to progress their chosen class faster, however, the Moth Ring is one of the best in Lords of the Fallen.
Lords of the Fallen is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and