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Nothing is as iconic in Minecraft as the infamous Diamond Sword. The bright blue coloration has made the weapon one of the most well-known in the title. The Diamond Sword is also the most durable and strongest weapon in Minecraft, but you can enchant it to be better. Sword Enchantments can offer you a variety of bonuses, including extra durability and sharpness. The Minecraft 1.20 upgrade added several new features to the game and changed some aspects. How do sword enchantments work now in Minecraft 1.20?
How To Enchant Swords in Minecraft 1.20

You need an Enchantment Table and several lapis lazuli to enchant a sword in Minecraft. The crafting recipe for an Enchantment Table is four obsidian blocks, two diamonds, and a book. Diamonds are found below the Y-level 16, whereas obsidian is located one level above bedrock. Books can be taken from bookshelves you break in dungeons and villages.
The layout for crafting an Enchantment Table on a crafting table is three obsidian blocks on the bottom row, a diamond, an obsidian block, a diamond for the second row, and a book in the middle of the top row.
Interact with the Enchantment Table to open the interface and place your sword on the open square below the image of the book. The pages on the right will offer a few select enchantments to give your blade. The kind of enchantments you can use is determined by how high your experience level is. Enchanting your sword will deplete your level.
Building bookshelves around the Enchantment Table will make potential enchantments better. You can build up to 15 bookshelves around your table to gain the maximum enchantments. You feed your table lapis lazuli to get the enchantments.
Best Sword Enchantments in Minecraft 1.20
Looting Enchantment

When you slay a monster with your sword, the creature will drop some items for you to pick up. The Looting Enchantment will increase the odds of rare loot being dropped by enemies. This will make grinding through enemies easier, making it an ideal enchantment to have when you’re searching for good loot items. The Looting Enchantment make collecting Ender Pearls from Endermen go faster.
Mending Enchantment

Because we use our swords so much in our playthroughs, they end up breaking a lot of the time. However, there’s a way to make your weapons last longer. The Mending Enchantment restores the durability loss of your swords in Minecraft 1.20, making them as good as new. With this, you can use your swords indefinitely. Unfortunately, this enchantment can’t be obtained through a table and is most frequently acquired through villager transactions of enchanted books.
Knockback Enchantment

You will push an enemy away from you every time you strike with a melee weapon in Minecraft 1.20. Sprinting and hitting a monster will force the enemy further away from you. Using Knockback is a great strategy to get pesky spiders and creepers away from you. The Knockback is very limited, though.
The Knockback Enchantment can knock ordinary monsters back a solid distance, even without a sprint-jump attack. Knockback can be as high as level 2 and is a fantastic anti-creeper defense since it can drive creepers far enough away from you to avoid its blast zone or even reset its explosion. Unfortunately, Knockback is less useful against skeletons, as those enemies will continue shooting you no matter how far you push them back.
Sharpness Enchantment

Sharpness increases melee damage. The higher the Sharpness, the more damage you can deal. The maximum Sharpness level your sword can be in Minecraft is 5. You will use your sword primarily as a weapon to face off against mobs like skeletons and creepers.
Having a high level of Sharpness will make taking down monsters much easier. Each Sharpness level increases the damage output by 1.25 per level. The Diamond Sword is already one of the strongest weapons in the game. If you enchant your Diamond Sword with a Sharpness 5, you will have the best weapon in Minecraft 1.20. With a Sparness 5 Dialmod Sword, we one-shot a creeper with one good swing.
Unbreaking Enchantment

Each armor and weapon has a green durability bar, determining how long the item will last before breaking. The Unbreaking Enchantment will increase your sword’s durability, making it more indestructible. Unbreaking can go up to level 3. Giving your Diamond Sword level 3 Unbreaking will make it last for a very long time before eventually breaking.
With Unbreaking, you will worry less about losing your sword. If you enchant a full body armor with Unbreaking 3, you can become nearly invincible. Only high-damaging enemies would be able to harm you, like the bosses and wither skeletons.
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Minecraft is available on the PC, PlayStation,