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After the king is dead, the question regarding who shall take the throne has thrown the kingdom into chaos. Luckily, the departed king has left a magic that forces people to fight for the right to rule. While the Protagonist has no interest in taking the throne, someone needs to step up for the comatose Prince. Since there will be time limits that you have to keep up with, you must be careful about the activities you perform. If you want to avoid making big mistakes, you can follow this Metaphor: ReFantazio tips and tricks so you can defeat your nemesis.
Increase Your Follower Bond Ranks

If you’ve played a Persona game before, you may be familiar with the bond mechanic. For those who are not, you may not be interested in hanging out with NPCs. However, that is one of the cardinal mistakes you can make. Upgrading your follower bond ranks is the most important tip you must follow in Metaphor: ReFantazio.
I suggest prioritizing your party members first to obtain the regular amount of XP even when off the field. However, the NPC bonds are also important. For instance, Maria can increase the amount of XP you get from battles. Bardon can send you parcels while Brigitta will give you money. More’s follower bond is the most important since he’ll allow you to access the Archetype Tree from your main menu.
Complete All Side Quests & Bounties

While you may only be interested in the main story, you shouldn’t ignore the side quests and bounties. If you follow this Metaphor: ReFantazio trick, you will be able to unlock various optional areas and dungeons.
The bounties will usually lead you to a new dungeon where you can grind and increase your level. However, some side quests let you visit small villages. While you cannot explore these areas, they will sell valuable items and gear that will be extremely useful during your adventure.
Visit Informants

The third tip you can follow is to regularly visit Informants. These people usually hang around inside taverns. Each major city will have one, and you can purchase all sorts of useful information from them.
Before heading into a new dungeon, it is always wise to find out the possible enemies that you will encounter. The informants can tell you what type of attacks you should use, but they can also warn you about things you should avoid. For instance, Goborns hate staff, so you need to avoid using the Mage or Healer Archetype when fighting them.
These informants may also give you secret information about more mundane stuff. They could tell you about nearby villages and the type of items they sell. You may also find out about the secret of the Wary Shopkeep at Port Brilehaven.
Pick the Best Archetype

While all of your party members can learn all Archetypes, it is not wise to pick them willy-nilly. Here’s another important tip for you: you need to pay attention to your allies’ stats. Some are leaning toward physical attacks, while others prefer to use magic.
For instance, Strohl is someone who has high physical stats so it’s better to make him learn the Brawler Archetype than Heismay. If you want to have a Mage in the early game, the best ally to learn is Hulkenberg. While she doesn’t have stellar magic stats, she’s a better option than Strohl.
You also need to pay attention to Royal Archetypes. This is the ultimate class that each party member can unlock. You can get this Archetype once you max out their bond rank and reach a certain level for specific classes.
Avoid Bad Weather

The last important Metaphor: ReFantazio tip you can follow is to avoid bad weather. I know that the game tells you that you can gain more XP by fighting enemies in this weather, but you’ll regret it. Not only are the enemies much stronger, but you also cannot gain extra turns when hitting them with their weaknesses.
The only time I can feasibly see how bad weather can be a good thing is if you’re over-leveled and still want to get decent XP. But if you are already that strong, then it’s better to complete the main dungeon, upgrade your follower bond, or level up your Royal Virtues. That’s why before heading into a dungeon, you should visit a seer who can tell you the weather conditions in the next three days.