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Once you embark on an epic quest through the mystical realms of Baldur’s Gate 3, it demands more than magic and spellcasting. One thing that matters most throughout the journey is your decision-making, mainly when it’s associated with combat. One such decision is choosing the right armor sets for yourself. The proper armor can make all the difference in a fight, providing the protection you need to survive. Plus, let’s face it, armor sets can also make you look good. And who doesn’t want to look their best while they’re slaying demons? In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 7 Best Armor Sets in Baldur’s Gate 3, so you can choose the perfect one for your character.
7. Cap of Curing
(Updated on October 8, 2024 – updated links and format)
The first item on our list is the Cap of Curing, which functions just as its name implies. It falls under the helmet category and can be worn on the head. Its primary utility lies with Bards, who can use it to heal their allies through inspiration. Although the amount of healing it provides in terms of hit points is modest, it proves invaluable in critical combat situations.
How to get the Cap of Curing in BG3
To acquire the Cap of Curing, proceed straight towards the secured chest in the Druid Grove vicinity, close to the Tiefling bard Alfir. However, do keep in mind that you may encounter multiple traps along the way.
6. Gloves of Missile Snaring

The character who wears the Gloves of Missile Snaring significantly boosts your defense and avoids the hits. These gloves help them avoid getting hit by attacks, especially ones that come from a distance. Imagine being able to deflect arrows and other things that are shot at you! This is super useful, especially when dealing with strong long-range attacks.
How to get this armor Gloves of Missile Snaring
The Gloves of Missile Snaring can be purchased in the Druid Grove region, from a dwarf trader with a stall set up near the entrance.
5. Grymskull Helm
The Grymskull Helm stands out as an exceedingly rare helmet armor obtainable in the initial act of Baldur’s Gate 3. This helm proves invaluable when contending with critical hits, which have the potential to inflict twice the damage of standard attacks. Beyond its efficacy against critical hits, the wearer also gains immunity to fire damage and gains access to the Hunter’s Mark spell.
How to get the Grymskull Helm
To secure the Grymskull Helm, your first objective is to overcome Grym, the guardian of the Adamantine Forge. Following Grym’s defeat, you can retrieve the Grymskull Helm from his remains. Keep in mind that defeating Grym is a formidable challenge, so ensure your companion is suitably prepared.
4. Drow Studded Leather Armor Set

It is one of the best pieces of armor in the light category for stealthy gameplay. It can be equipped on the character’s body. Upon closer inspection, its design seamlessly integrates with the dimmed-lit caves and passages of the Underdark. Although it may not offer the highest level of protection, it strikes a favorable balance between safeguarding and maneuverability.
How to get the Drow Studded Leather Armor Set
To get the Drow Studded Leather Armor Set, you have to search a chest at Lolth’s Cultist’s cache which can be found in the Underdark. To get more idea, pinpoint its location between Selune’s Fort and the tower, precisely at coordinates X:83 Y:-207.
3. Disintegrating Night Walkers

The Disintegrating Night Walkers stand as a rare pair of boots, classified among the esteemed collection of rare items within Baldur’s Gate 3. Functioning like typical footwear, they are meant to be worn on the character’s feet. The wearers of the boots get perfect balance to the character while combating, and walking through slippery ice or grease. In addition, the fortunate wearer of these boots gains access to the Misty Step spell, a valuable asset for forthcoming quests.
How to get the Disintegrating Night Walkers
The Grymforge region is the ultimate location to find the Disintegrating Night Walkers. There you will find a chest in the True Soul Nere’s quarters.
2. Adamantine Splint/Scale Armor

The Adamantine Forge situated within the Grymdark region serves as a haven for crafting some of the most exceptional items within the game. Among these treasures is the renowned Adamantine Splint/Scale Armor. These are two heavy armor that have almost the same properties but different armor classes score. You can significant protection from melee attacks and critical hits.
How to get the Adamantine Splint/Scale Armor
In order to get Adamantine Armor, you have to craft it using Adamantine forge in Grymdark region. Crafting can be tedious so you can follow our guide on how to use the Adamantine Forge.
1. Helldusk Armour
Helldusk Armor is considered one of the best Armor sets in Baldur’s Gate 3. This comprehensive set encompasses the Helldusk heavy armor, Helldusk gloves, Helldusk Helmets, and Boots, each providing the wearer with its unique advantages. The wearer of the armor gets a 21 Armor class score which is the highest in the game. However, you have to be Proficient while wearing it.
How to get the Helldusk Armour
While the Helldusk Armour sounds tempting, getting it is quite a tough challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve put together a detailed guide to help you out. You can check out How to Get Helldusk Armor in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now that you know the best armor sets in Baldur’s Gate 3, look the part and play the part.