A truck driver in Bakersfield, California, abandoned two dogs in the street. A TikTok user recorded the event as the driver left the animals alone. The person who caught this on video also mentioned that these dogs were in a very poor state. Both were skinny, and one was blind in one eye. The OP speculates they were using the animals for backyard breeding, which is an atrocious thing to do and, besides that, is illegal in California.
The original video comes from TikTok user pawfect_pup232, that also got a crosspost in the r/PublicFreakout subreddit. In it, the OP mentions how the driver abandoned the two dogs near where they work.
These beautiful babies were dumped where I work and and are in a really rough state. Very skinny, The male is blind in one eye(most likely from backyard breeding) and the other is very tiny, I know he can see a bit. The female had a really bad Oder on her she was also on her period. I can’t imagine the state you were forcing them to live in.
pawfect_pup232 via TikTok
So far, the backyard breeding part is still uncertain, but by the looks of it, these two dogs are Belgian Malinois. Since that breed is quite expensive, many assume the driver was doing illegal breeding, as pure-bred Belgian Malinois can go above the 5k mark.
In the comments, some people claim the truck is registered to a Kristine Estill in Bakersfield, California, yet it is unclear if they are the ones who abandoned the dogs in the street or if someone else was using their truck.
In any case, this act is unforgivable and many are praying the authorities can find the people who abandoned these poor dogs. Both of them were in a bad state, so it is clear they were not being fed properly, and with one of them being blind, some believe they might’ve suffered even worse animal abuse.
Naturally, many people had to say many things about the Bakersfield truck driver who abandoned these dogs.
Piece of sh*t doing piece of sh*t things while virtue signalling.
Trashtronaut via Reddit.
The virtual signalling part is due to the truck having a “Honk if you love Jesus” sticker, which many feel is quite hypocritical.
Ultimately, it is sad to see these events happening, that affect two defenseless animals. Hopefully, the OP will help them find a better home because animals deserve all the love in the world.